Chapter 20 (Mature+)

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Harry felt so happy not just because Zayn's parents were there, but because Zayn did what he promised last night

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Harry felt so happy not just because Zayn's parents were there, but because Zayn did what he promised last night. He behaves like he wants him to be. And seeing him doing it because of him, really makes him happy.

"Harry?" Zayn called him while he was washing the dishes. He turned around. "Hhmn..?"

"I'll just be in the other room. I'll be having a short meeting with Mike and the directors.." He said. Not knowing why he needs to notify him about it.

Harry nodded. "Sure, I'll be heading to bed once I'm done here..

After he was done with the dishes, he went to the fridge to drink some water before going to bed. Then he saw the unfamiliar juice. He grabbed it and found that it was a Fruitshoot which he didn't remember that he purchased this morning.

But then he remembered what Trisha said to him. He laughs so hard thinking about what makes her think that this is special when it's just a kid's juice.

"Oh, Mom.."

He can't help but be amused. "Will guess I have to taste it anyway, so she won't feel bad for not drinking it.." He smiled before giving it a sip.

He frowned. "Why does it taste different? " He gives a glance at the label and saw it Peach Mango flavor.

"Does it taste like this?"

He thought before giving another gulp in the bottle. He can't explain the taste. But it actually tastes good. He gave another two, three gulps before closing the fridge and taking it to his room. Before he lay down in his bed, he made sure to finish the juice and took a snapshot of it with the caption "Thanks Mom! Taste great! " before sending it to Trisha. Then he turns off the lights and went to sleep.

When Trisha received the message, she almost got a heart attack looking at the empty bottle!

She forgot to tell him not to drink the entire bottle!

She quickly calls Zayn.


Zayn was in the library room doing a live meeting, using his huge projector with his manager Clifford, the director and the producer of his upcoming movie. They talked for almost 3 hours before he notices the 10 missed calls from his mother. He right away called her.

"Mom? You okay? I'm in the meeting and didn't notice--"

She cut him off with agitation in her voice. "Oh, thank God Zayn, it's okay, but can you check Harry, please? I've been calling him, but he won't pick up my call."

He frowned. "I think he's already sleeping, Mom. Why, what's going on?"

"I just want to make sure he's okay. Can you check on him, please?"

"Okay, sure." He agreed but, muddled by her behavior. After he put the phone down. He stood up and went to Harry's room.

He knocked twice. "Harry? Are you awake? Mom called asking if--"

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