Ch.39 Not the Party Type?

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Jocelyn's Pov

All the exams are done. Hardly we have work anymore. The perks of the end of the year. "C'mon guys please I don't wanna go alone! Plus everyone wants you guys to come also!" Ashton said begging us to go with him to a senior party. "But its a senior party. We're juniors" I pointed out. "Doesn't matter C'mon!" Ashton pleaded. "I'm not really the party type" Jackson said. "Bitch you ain't invited" Luke said. "Be nice Luke. C'mon Jackson I can't go without you" I said pinching his cheeks. "Alright just stop that hurts" He rubbed his pink cheeks. "Yay okay we'll go" I smiled at Ashton.

On Friday I snuck out my house to go to the party. I have no idea how many times I've hit my head on that stupid window already. While pouting I got in Luke's car and he drove off. Surprisingly Jackson was in the backseat. "Jackson you better not leave my side okay?" I warned. "Don't you mean YOU better not leave my side?" he questioned. "Same thing" I laughed. "What's up with that anyway?" Luke asked glancing at me. "Eyes on the road! Anyway it just means he's um....not the party type" I answered. "I have a feeling your lying to me" Luke said. "Well you'll see it if things go wrong" Jackson said. "Now I'm curious, thanks guys" Luke sarcastically stated. We just laughed at him.

An hour into the party mostly everyone was drunk or high but Jackson and I. If you ask us, the people are the funny to watch. Calum and Michael would randomly try to scare us at times but I yelled at them to stop. "♪I'd rather be right here, tonight with you, than with anybody else in the world.  Best friends, you are my fucking best friends. Yo honestly, this is the best night ever. And this song, I'm really feeling this song.♪" Calum and Michael started singing best friends by the janoskins when all of us were gathered. "Guys stop you look like weirdos" I said laughing. The alcohol started to get in my head. That's weird I usually don't get drunk with one cup... "Hey Ashton!" I called him over and he leaned his ear for he could hear. "Did they put something in the drinks?" I asked. "Uh I'm not sure but I think they did" He laughed. I looked to my right and almost passed out. Jackson wasn't there. Instead there were at least five cups in his place.

I looked all around the house to find Jackson. I accidentally ruined the moment for a couple. But hey I said sorry. At the pool I passed by Luke passed out laying up floating. I quickly pulled him out. "No wonder I haven't seen you, loser" I smiled at him. "Are you an Angel?" He asked opening his eyes slowly. "Close" I kissed his forehead. He started to shake and I got him a towel. "Luke go find the rest and tell them to meet me in the third bathroom." I pushed him to his feet and he went to look for the rest. I was in the third bathroom and a couple minutes passed and everyone got there. "Whats up?" Ashton asked. "I don't know where Jackson is so we have to find him before he draws attention" I explained. "So should we look around?" Nataly asked. I nodded "Why are we in a bathroom? All six of us." Michael asked. I ignored him and went outside and I saw a group of people huddled looking at the roof. When I looked up my jaw dropped. "Aw shit"

We were all gathered in the front looking up at a shirtless Jackson on the roof. "This is bad" Luke mumbled. I turned to see him but he had his phone out taking pictures. "No Luke!" I snatched his phone away and slid it in my pocket. "So How do we get him down?" Nataly asked. "We don't, he'll throw a fit and threaten to jump off or something" I sat on the grass looking at Jackson. We all sat down at the grass and just watched over Jackson. He then began to sing a song. "Is he singing I Write Sins Not Tragedies?" Ashton asked. "Yup" I looked at Jackson singing and smiled at him. "What if he falls?" Calum asked still drunk. "He won't" I answered. "Do a flip!" Luke called out. I slightly pushed him to knock it off. "Jackson when are you planning to get off from there?!" I called out. "Until people leave, I socially awkward" He responded looking down at us. I barely understood his drunk talk. "Okay I'll be back, I'm going to the restroom" I stood up and made my way inside.

"I can't find him!" "Why did you lose him?" "He's not a dog stop talking like he is one!" I heard yelling from the front and went outside. Calum was throwing up in a bush and Luke was getting yelled by Nataly. "What did I mis—" I looked up at the roof to see a no one there. "" I asked. "Funny Story, Michael lost him" Luke spoke up. I stayed quiet "Does it look like I'm laughing?" After that everyone split up and tried to find the lost boy. All you could hear was the music blasting in the house. "I swear to god if something happens to him, I'll kill Michael for sure!!"  "It'll be fun he said...No one will get hurt he said"

I looked upstairs and found the attic. "If he was on the roof he has to be here right?" I questioned. I went up the attic and a light was on. "Jackson? Its Jocelyn.." I poked my head and saw him leaning on the window asleep. "Yay he's alright" I walked towards him and covered him with his jacket.

Jackson's Pov

She was right next to me. I could simply turn her to face me and kiss her. I was always hoping we would end up together. Ever since we were little. But seeing her with Luke and watching her be happy is good enough for me. Maybe if I didn't leave when we were 12 I would have ended up with her. Is it better to give up or keep trying? I opened my eyes and smiled at her. "You loser... You just want to get yourself in trouble" She smiled and fixed my hair. "Promise me we'll always be my brother no matter what" she said hugging me. "....I promise" to move on...


Okay so I need ten ideas please comment how many you want just be sure I haven't previously written. Lol sorry about it anyways thanks for reading this book love you guys ^_^

BTW...Anyone like the new cover??? ^~^ ♥

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