Ch.25 I Wish We Never Met

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This Chapter goes to calum_5sos_1D and AshleighHemmings for being so sweet on their comments c: Also Happy Birthday To Luke Hemmings!! c: Your legal now :'(

Jocelyn's Pov

They were all staying at my house for a bit longer. I really missed them a lot. I knew my parents were going to have to know about the bullying situation but not right now. The rest were too busy talking to each other to notice Luke and I. I smiled at Luke and he kissed my forehead. "What are you thinking about babe" He asked. "Just on the future" I said. "The future?" He asked. "Yeah I need to have plans if I'm going into college" I said. He looked at me. "What college are you planning to go to?" He asked. "I don't know yet.." I wanted to go to another country but I don't to leave Luke. "Don't worry about it now babe we still have a year to decide" Luke said hugging me. "Lucky for you guys!" Ashton said. "We're gonna miss you mate" Calum told Ashton. He was the only senior. I saw Nataly whisper something to Ashton's ear. He just blushed. You dirty Couple.

A Month Later

Guess who finally is moving! ME! Yay!!!  After telling my parents they spent they're time looking for a new house by where we were. They finally found it. Luke was happy when I told him. Nataly was finally asked out by Ashton that was new. Took him some time but at least he did ask her. I got the last box and shoved it in the car. "Can we go now this house gives me the creeps!" Melanie said running out. I looked back in the empty house. "Shit! Melanie look! There's a shadow!" I said pointing to the stairs. She screamed running off while I was laughing. "Jocelyn stop messing around and get in the car" My dad yelled. I quickly shut up and went in the car. Back to my old place more like home. I'm not gonna miss the old place.

Nataly's Pov

I was hanging out with Ash today when I saw him getting distracted a lot. "Ashtonn" I called. He was looking back at a girls ass. I'm getting real tired of his shit..He has been a ass this week... I just let go of his hand and walked faster away from him. "Wait! C'mon babe! Where you going!" he said catching up to me. "I'm leaving" I said walking away. "But why!" He said. "Ashton you look at every girl that passes by!" I said. "...what no I don't" he lied. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. "No bae C'mon" he whinnied. I kept on walking away ignoring his pleading. Don't turn back at him..

We were all hanging out at Calum's house. Now with Jocelyn finally here! Ashton was trying to get my attention but failed. I was in the middle of Calum and Michael. "So I guess something happened between you two" Jocelyn said. "Yes something happened" I said glaring at him. "Well what happened?" Michael asked. Ashton snorted "Something stupid" he said. "He was looking at other girls while we were out" I said coldly. "It's not my fault natural instinct" Ash said. "That's not helping your case" Jocelyn said. "Jerk" I mumbled. "Also they were all pretty hot" Ash said. Ouch that hurt... I ignored his comment. Jocelyn looked at me and I smiled. "I don't think you should say that considering you have a girlfriend now" Calum said. Luke agreed with him. "Nah she doesn't care right bae?" Ash said. Count to ten Nataly...1.. 2... "I bet she wouldn't care if I hooked up with one" He said. That's It! "Shut Up Ashton.. Stop Being An Inconsiderate Ass.. I'm Tired Of Your Shit Already!" I yelled standing up. Everyone's eyes were wide exept Jocelyn. She knew I was gonna crack. "Why Are You Mad At Me I Didn't Do Shit!! Your Over Reacting" he said. I got so pissed off by now Ugh!!! I walked over to the front door "I Wish We Never Met!" I got out and slamed the door. "Nataly!" I heard Jocelyn gasp.

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