Ch.52 My English Love Affair?!

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Jocelyn's Pov

Melanie isn't going to wake up...

Its been three months and no signs. We started our last year though that's new. Kris started to work more to support us and pay the hospital bills for Melanie. The funeral for my parents was something I wished I wouldn't experienced this early in life. 

"Lets go get wasted guys!" Michael suggested while everyone was lazing around in Calum's pool. "It's too hot for that" Calum floated in the water. "That's why! Summer parties are the litest!" He cried out. "Did he just say lit-est?" Luke scoffed. I just shrugged and kept laying in the pizza floatie. "C'mon guys I'm the funny supporting character in this story cooperate!" He exclaimed. "What does that even mean?" Nataly asked from where she was sun bathing. The rest just shrugged and continued to lay in the hot Australian sun. "There's a party going on tonight at Dylan's house if you guys are up for it" Michael called out. "Should we?" I asked the rest. "They're playing our demo there too" Michael added. "Did you bribe him to?" Calum laughed. "Shut up it took a lot of hard work for it! Dylan's parties are well known and we might get some record dealers kid there" Michael shrugged. "Sure Mikey Sure" Nataly laughed. "I have a feeling it's going to be good guys don't worry." Michael smirked.

Night had come and we all decided to head to the party. Ashton unfortunately with his college classes couldn't attend because of a test soon so we left him alone. "Whose gonna be the DD tonight?" Calum asked. "Me I don't want to do anything stupid" Nataly offered. I patted her back and we entered the house. The music was defiantly hurting my ears. Who knew girls could have such high pitched voices to make your ears bleed? Three drinks later and a game of beer pong the guys were completely wasted. "That was fast" I commented as I saw a twerking Michael and had a clingy Luke by my side. "I don't even want to ask where Calum is honestly" Nataly laughed. "Bet you twenty bucks when they're song comes out they wont recognize it" Nataly started. "Your on" We shook hands. Ten minutes later and the sound of drums started playing. Michael's voice started singing and we looked for the boys reaction. Calum was nowhere to be found, Luke was sleeping on my shoulder and Michael just shouted "This is my Jam!" "That counts right?" I asked pointing at Michael. Nataly scoffed and gave me twenty bucks. While the songs kept going the tenth song started to sound a bit strange. 

"It started on a weekend in May

The boys went on a trip to England in May...

Today, I'm seven thousand miles away

The movie playing in my head 

Of her king size bed

Means I can't forget my English love affair

Suddenly I got a nasty feeling in my stomach. 

When I got out I knew

That nobody I knew would be believing me

I look back now and know

That nobody could ever take the memory"

What the hell was this.... I turned to look at Nataly and she had the same look in her face. Suddenly the weight of Luke's head on my shoulder began to feel uncomfortable. This could have been the song he was writing last week. Luke could have been cheating on my this whole time thinking of some British chick. I wasn't gonna jump to conclusions seeing Nataly was probably thinking of the same thing as I. "Let's get out of here" I called out. "I'll find Calum. You grab Michael" She stood to find the other while I took Luke to the car first. This is not happening. It's just a misunderstanding.. Tomorrow the guys will explain Michael or Calum wrote the songs. Not our boyfriends.. But what if they did? What if Luke or Ashton wrote it? Would they really cheat on us? No they can't, They wouldn't.. But we weren't there so who would have stopped them? Suddenly the thoughts came too much so I threw a bottle to the floor smashing it. Nataly came out with a dazed Calum and put us in the car. "They wouldn't do that to us right Nataly??" I asked trying to get comfort out of my best friend. "No It's just a misunderstanding..." She softly spoke. "Nataly I feel like I'm gonna puke I swear" I paled. She quickly stopped and I pulled outside to some bushes. "Gross" I muttered. "Let's drop you off first" Nataly said changing the direction to my house. "Kris is gonna be pissed at me..." I sighed. "He hasn't seen you drunk?" She asked. "No! He's gonna be so disappointing" I cried. "The alcohol is barely getting to you, Isn't it?" she asked. I nodded and groaned again. When we arrived at my house I slowly got out the car and tried climbing up the tree to my window. Nataly rushed in laughing and tried to stop me. "I'll explain it to him" She said taking me through the front door. The kitchen light was which meant he was still awake. "Where the hell have you been?" Kris asked standing from the single couch like those tv moms. "Outside" I blurted. Nataly almost face-palmed at my response. "It's already 3 am Jocelyn..." Kris pointed out. "Whoa its so late! What are you still doing up?" I questioned. He groaned while Nataly laughed at my stupidness. "I'll take it from here. Thanks Nataly" Kris quickly picked me up like a bag of potatoes and waved Nataly off. "Hey! Be careful! I'm a sensitive person!" I whined. "Your a 152 cm bagged potato" He dropped me in my bed. "Namu!" I yelled. "Nice come back" He snickered. "You 182 cm namu" I mumbled. "Should I ask what happen or wait until tomorrow?" He asked dropping me off in my room. "Tomorrow is fine" I smiled feeling sleepy. "Your almost a adult Jocelyn please act like one" Kris sighed. "Thats why I should live while I'm young Krissy....haha One Direction" I laughed. "I'm not even gonna ask what that means" Kris rolled his eyes.  (*Namu = Tree) 

Next Day

"I feel like shit" I groaned when I heard my brother in the kitchen. "Serves you right. Drinking while underage. Shame on you" Kris threatened me with a spatula. "Tell me your making those breakfast hamburgers" I sighed sitting on the kitchen counter. He just hummed and continued to make food. Suddenly the door started ringing and 3 people walked straight in. "Morning fam" Michael plotted himself in our kitchen table. "Whats for breakfast?" Calum said sitting across from him with Nataly right behind. "How are you all not dead like me?" I asked. "Your a wimp that's why" Michael laughed. I flipped him off while Kris groaned knowing he had three more mouths to feed. 

"So Which one of you idiots wrote English Love Affair? Cause I'm pretty sure you all mentioned you wrote your own songs?" Nataly asked. The room got quiet all of a sudden. Michael and Calum looked at each other before the both bucked it to the door. Nataly and I sprung after them and managed to catch Calum before he ran out the door. "DON'T TELL THEM CALUM!!! YOU'LL MAKE THE PLOT TWIST AND GET BIGGER!!!" Michael screamed running down the street. "What the fudge does that even mean?" Nataly asked while I shrugged. Michael was a strange guy, no one knew. "Now tell us Calum Hood! Who wrote the song" I asked. "I really can't tell! Bro code" He complained. "Bro code my ass, Who wrote it?" Nataly pulled his ear. "OWW wait Wait! It was Michael!!!" He blurted. "Michael?" We both took a step back. "Yeah you know guy who dyes his hair more then possible and might go bald soon?" He joked. "Calum hood this is serious you ass" I pinched him. "OUCH!! Why are you both so violent?!" he cried. "Look! It's Kris!" Calum pointed to the kitchen and we accidentally let him go. "BROS BEFORE HOES!! EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE NOT HOES!!" He ran down the street. "I hope he gets ran over" I mumbled. 


WHO HASN'T UPDATED IN LIKE MONTHS?? *raises hand* I AM SORRY!! LIKE I SOMETIMES FORGET AND WHEN I REMEMBER I HAVE NOTHING TO WRITE ABOUT IT HURTS MEEEEEE. SO I'M GONNA TELL YOU THAT yes Michael Clifford does know that he's a character in the book, later he's gonna say something stupid that makes everything make sense... expect many more moments breaking the fourth wall by Michael :p 

Till Next Update <3

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