Ch.53 I Trusted You

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Jocelyn's POV

Sunday morning meant everyone was getting ready to go out as a group. Ashton was finally having a break from college and was joing us also. The song mystery hasn't been solved since none of the boys wanted to speak up...Jerks. Luke and I were moving things from his attic back down since he said he had an old music sheet hidden there. "I found a camera and some pink speakers" I held up for Luke to see. "Oh shit bring them too! The guys will die if they see them" He laughed. We made way to his room with arms full of boxes. I connected the camera with the laptop and looked through the videos. I accidentally clicked on one and started dying. "OH my GOD did you guys used to make covers?!" I asked laughing. "Don't laugh! These are precious memories!" He pouted. "Aww look how cute Lukey looked back then!" I coo'd at the 15 year old Luke. "We were gonna publish them on YouTube" He smiled looking at the video. "Why didn't you? You guys are good. Could have become famous!" I laughed. "Nah...We didn't feel like it was the right time. I was just 15" He looked through more videos. "Weird..Anyway help me look for the music sheet" He stood up and looked through the boxes. Suddenly clicked on a video that had a familiar face in it. Aleisha was in Luke's lap and quickly kissed him while Michael and Calum freaked out. "Don't watch that its old" Luke quickly turned it off. "Seems like it meant a lot" I teased. He noticed my teasing and quickly relaxed. "So you're not mad?" He asked. "Nope. I know you're mine now" I poked his side making him squirm. 


"I'm moving to England." Michael and Luke spat out their soda all over the floor. "What? When?" Nataly asked her boyfriend worried. "It's for my college, I have the chance to study my major over there...It's a good chance for me" He quietly said. "When are you leaving?" Calum asked. "On Wednesday" He confessed. "It's Sunday, why did you barely tell us?" I asked looking at Nataly who was ready to almost break down. "I wasn't sure if I was honestly gonna go but I thought about the great chance I would miss" He sighed. Everyone got quiet and left a tense atmosphere. "He's right guys. We should support hes actually thinking things seriously. i support you mate" Calum nodded hugging Ashton. "Yeah he's right. I support" I spoke up. Soon the rest started to join except Nataly. "You promise me you wont do stupid things over there?" Nataly asked. Ashton nodded and placed a kiss of her forehead. "Well we should go out to celebrate!" Michael suggested. "LETS GO GET FOOD" Luke cheered.

"He's leaving on Wednesday...Can you believe he didn't tell me?!" Nataly screamed throwing a big ass rock down the pool. "Hey~ I'm gonna be the one to pick it up" I whined looking at the rock in the bottom of the pool. "Oops my bad. You're not even going to pick it up, Kris is. But I'm still angry as shit like what the heck?" Nataly sighed. "Try jumping after it" Michael teased. After hanging out with the guys I asked her them to stay over my house for a night, except Ashton who had to pack. "I know just take a quick dip in to cool down" I teased. "Shut up Jocelyn I'll push you in" She threatened making me laugh. "I'll jump if you jump" I pointed at the water. "Kris is gonna kill us. It's 12 am" Nataly stated. "Who cares? He's probably asleep by now" Luke said  as I tugged on her shirt. "C'mon just one quick jump? Please?" I asked putting my best puppy eyes. "Do it! Do it!" Calum cheered. "Ughh I'm gonna die" She said placing her phone in the floor. "Yeeesss let's go!!" I cheered placing my phone next to hers. "If Kris yells at us I'm gonna say you pushed me in first" She warned. "Sure he'll believe that" I smiled. She was taking forever so Michael pushed her in. "I hate you!!" She screamed while I jumped in right after. 

"It was her Kris I swear! She pushed me in first!!" She screamed while a angry Kris chased five teenagers around. He then sent me to my room while letting the guys use some of his clothes. " you think Ashton will cheat on my while he's away?" She asked in a serious tone. "No I don't think so. He's going there for his studies remember" I patted her head while she laid t on my lap. "What if he falls in love with a girl? If it just happens out of nowhere and he can't stop it" her tears ran down the sides of her face. "Don't think that. He wont" I played with her hair. "I'm scared he'll forget about me" She mumbled. "I'll kill him if he does" I answered making us laugh. Michael suddenly twitched from where he was sleeping on the floor with the guys. "We should go to bed" I chuckled. She nodded and I pretended not to see Calum close his eyes meaning he was awake.


"Airports are soo cool" Michael sighed. I just laughed at pushed his shoulder for him to pay more attention. "Let me go get a snack." Luke said leaving with Ashton. Calum waited until they were out of sight before pulling Nataly away. "Whats up with them?" I asked Michael. "Maybe he's gonna change the plot" Michael shrugged. Once again Michael says the weirdest shit. "Want a piggy back ride?" He asked. I nodded and hopped on his back ignoring the weird looks from people. "Maybe if Calum grew balls he would be with Nataly" Mikey laughed. "Ashton's with her Michael don't say that" I smacked his arm. "Okay. I'm just saying though" He laughed. "You never know what can happen shorty" he patted my head. "Where is Calum and Nataly?" Ashton asked when they came back. "I dunno. He dragged her somewhere" Michael stated. Ashton just shrugged and continue to eat gummy bears. I guess he doesn't care... "Flight 28 will be boarding shortly please stand by passengers" The intercom rang. "That's my flight. Where are they?" Ashton asked. "Here she comes" Luke pointed. I turned and looked and something was wrong. She seemed to be pretty pissed off with Calum trailing behind her calling her to stop. She marched straight to Ashton and swung her arm making her palm contact his cheek with a loud smack. "HOW COULD YOU ASHTON IRWIN???!!" She yelled. I stood with my mouth open while Michael closed it and kept eating gummy worms. "I trusted you! You piece of shit! We're done!" She yelled. 

Nataly's Pov

"Ouch what Calum?" I asked after he released my arm. "I need to tell you something" He sighed. "What is it?" I noticed he stressed expression. "I'm telling you this because your not with what he's doing to you" he stared into my eyes. "Calum your scaring me" I placed my hand in his shoulder. "Nataly I love you and I know you already know it. I don't ever want to see you get hurt so I'm telling you this now" He touched my cheek. "Calum?" I whispered getting anxious. "In England we went to a friends party...and Ashton met a girl. I don't remember much of the night cause I got wasted with Michael, but he left with the girl and didn't see him until the next day." he state. The words started to hit me and I understood what he was telling me. "N-No but you said you were wasted! Y-You could've seen things!" I cried. "Luke is the one who told us he left with a girl since he wasn't gonna get drunk without Jocelyn" I looked at him and saw the pain in his eyes. Suddenly he took me in his arms and let me cry a little. "I'm soo sorry but I had to tell you. It wasn't fair that you didn't know" He whispered. After that everything went red and I got angry.

"I trusted you! You piece of shit! We're done!" I yelled pushing him. "W-Whoa whats wrong what happened Boo" He tried grabbing my hands. "No get the fuck away! Don't touch me! I already know everything! Did you think I wouldn't find out? Did you think I'm just gonna be your patient little bitch waiting for you while you went with someone else? Well I'm Not!" He got a hold of me and pulled me in his arms. "Let me go!" I shoved him away. "Listen I have no idea what you're talking about love" he tried to calm me down. "Yes you do fucker I know you do" I pointed a accusing finger. "If you're gonna be like this I just wont go to show you I don't have someone waiting for me over there" He rolled his eyes pissing me off more. "No you're gonna get in that fucking plane cause I don't want to see your cheating ass face anymore we're done!" I yelled walking away. "Last call for flight 28" I heard the intercom announce but I didn't care I walked straight out without looking back. 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2016 ⏰

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