Ch. 48 Actions have Consequences Later

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Jocelyn's Pov

One more week of this bullshit until we have to come back in 3 months... Luke and I were still fighting. And honestly I don't even think we're together anymore. Doesn't matter this won't ruin my life. I don't need a man, I'm a single teenager now and I can do anything I want. "Jocelyn get up fat ass you're going to school" Kris said pulling the covers off me. I simply flipped him off and tried to roll away from him. "I'm not driving you to school then" He threatened. "There's people called friends that are willing to pick me up" I mumbled. I felt a cold splash and my face was suddenly drenched with cold water. "I'm up..."

The worst part of the whole Luke fight was that Michael, Calum, and Ashton didn't speak to him anymore. I felt like it was my fault but they were quick to say he changed by himself and I wasn't to blame. And about Aleisha well... No one heard of her. Some say she got in a accident. Ha kidding that bitch is still here she's just staying away from the group for now. Something completely new was that I was talking to James again. After the whole incident I felt normal again talking to him but the group didn't so they stood away from him. Just like the old times before we hung out with the guys. I kinda missed him and he apologized like fifty times.

"Don't you think It's better if he could just stay away from Harry though? Like please little Kardashian or whatever you are leave him" Nataly stated. "It's their lives. Just let them be" Calum tried. "How can you say that?" I gasped. "I swear you girls are so dramatic" Michael mumbled. "We live for internet drama" Nataly smiled. "Anyways What are we gonna do for the last day of school?" I asked the group. "Sleep" "Party?" "Eat" "I like the sleeping and eating idea" Nataly agreed. "Sleep over it is" I smiled. "So no party?" Calum asked disappointed.

Graduation For Ashton

"Ashton we love you!!" "Marry Me Ashton!!""Ashton Have my babies!!!" we were in the graduation and we're pretty much embarrassing the hell out of Ashton. "ASHTON SUCK MY-" I covered Michael's mouth before he could finish. We quickly apologized to the women and her daughter who were staring at us with a disapproving glare. "Stupid we're gonna get in trouble and not make it to our graduation" Calum laughed. After they finished we went to take pictures with the high school graduate. "Do you feel old now hanging around a bunch of kids?" I asked teasingly. "Yup it looks like I'm babysitting honestly." He joked. "Ashton are you coming?" A guy asked. "Uh sorry I wont go mate" he laughed. "Why not??" I asked. "Yeah bro you have to go" Michael added. "Go we'll celebrate some other time" Nataly added. Ashton gave us all hugs before he left to his graduation party.

"Did you have fun?" Kris asked as I entered the house. "Yeah" I replied. "We got a new message" Kris added pressing the voice message.
"Hello this is the college registration administer of UC Irvine in calfornia regards to Ms. Jocelyn for an appointed interview this summer here in the college registration office. We have the date set for the 7 at 4:35 pm. Call back if you have any problems at (###)-###-### Thank you hope to see you there."

"What the fuck" I gasped. "Interview? Already?? Wow" Kris clapped. "We have to go!! The 7? That's next week on Monday Kris!! Can we even go?!" I panicked. "Woah calm your shit. Let me call mom and see whats up okay?" He headed for his phone and dialed. After a few minutes he looked at me with a sad face. "I asked if I can take you and she said don't.......don't forget to tell her how the interview went!" He smiled. I jumped up and down then tackled the 6ft giant. "Asshole you scared me!!"

The Next Day

"Why can't we go?" Calum asked as I was waiting for the plane. "You can just buy your own tickets plus there's school on monday" Kris answered. "Don't have too much fun!" Michael teased as our flight was called. "If you find some hotties send me snaps!" Nataly said earning a playful glare from Ashton. "You know it fam" I winked. "Jocelyn lets go" Kris carried our stuff in while I hugged everyone.

"Let's go out and eat" I bugged Kris is the hotel. "Why don't you go? I'm tired" He said laying in the bed. For some reason the lady in the check in thought we were married and got a room with one huge bed. Her low key dirty jokes made me want to throw up but we got a discount. "Fine then you old man I'm going out" I grumbled. "Have fun! Be safe" He mumbled. I passed by a club and got tugged in. "She's with us" she slurred to the man in the entrance. "Hey look Wendy!" "Where you been girl??" her friends slurred. "Um?" "Here a drink!" she handed me a glass. It was the most colorful thing I've ever seen. It looked like a unicorn puked rainbows. I took a sip and almost died of the taste. "Shit this is the best drink I've ever had" I sighed. "Yeah girl! Drinks are on me so drink all you WANT!!" she giggled. Free drinks niceee.

Hours Later

"A-And then he dumped me for some guy saying 'bros before hoes' caaan you believeee thatt asss??" Crystal cried. "I feel ya gurl. My ex dumped me because some old chick of his came back! I though what we had was s-speciaaaal!" I cried. The girls aww'd and hugged me. "Forget that foo! Here meet my brother Troy. He got his heart broken tooo" Stacy shoved her older brother next to me and I laid my head on his shoulder. "We're allll in this together Troy" I laughed. He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. The girls cheered and I kept on going. "Jocelyn?" a voice rang I pulled away. "Luke?" I called out. "No its me stupid hurry up we're leaving" Kris suddenly appeared and I started whining. "Don't worry Jocelyn we'll meet again soon!" The girls said. I waved at them and Kris carried me over his shoulder. " 'Your gonna get a nice sister' they said. 'You're gonna have fun' they said. 'It's easy being a older brother' they said" He grumbled while I laughed hitting his flat ass. "Kris you know you love meeee" I smiled. "I kinda have to" Kris laughed. "Meanie. Your such an angry bird" I said poking his eyebrows. "Shut up" He yelled spinning me around. "StOP IM GONNA THROW UP!!"

Next Day

"Get up we're going out" Kris called. His voice caused my head to hurt more. Suddenly my phone started blowing up. "What.the.fuck??" I looked and Nataly send me a link to a picture on Instagram.

@Jocelyn and @Troy
#Cute couple #Goals
Posted By @Stacy<333

" god..."

I honestly love your guys comments tbh lol
Also yeah the picture is Justin and Selena they had the best pose that came up.

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