Ch.19 Slut & Old Friends

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Jocelyn's Pov Monday Morning

I haven't seen Luke at all. I haven't talked to him since he dropped me off. None of the guys were here except Nataly. It was weird without them. In lunch we were sitting peacefully when James and the jocks sat in front of us. "Looks like he ditched you already" James said. I clenched my fist. "Just leave James" Nataly said. "It's no my fault. I told her..he was using you but you didn't listen" He said. I felt anger. "What Do You Know.. You Don't know us!!" I said. "But I knew he was playing you...he hasn't talked to you since he left right?? Like he does to other girls" He said. I looked down. My self confidence was fading. "He's never gonna love someone Jocelyn snap out of it...I'm trying to protect you" he said "Yeah well a protector doesn't force someone to do something" I said. I remembered the party and the closet. "Hey I was drunk...I'm sorry" He said. I couldn't even look at him or I would get horrible flashbacks. "Whatever just leave us alone" I said. He shrugged and walked off with his friends. "Is he right? Nataly....Did Luke use me?" I asked. "No don't say that" she said.

I texted Luke three times already. He didn't answer any of them. Is he tired of me? I should stop texting him. The others said they didn't hear from him...but I know they're lying. He left me already. I guess I was just a toy to him.

Luke's Pov

She had to come at this time!!?? "Acacia get off me please" I said. She was clinging to me since she got here. "Aren't you glad I'm here!" she said. "Not really why did you come from L.A?" I asked. "Your so silly Lukey!! To be with you duhh!" she said. "But I have to go to school" I said. "Leave it I'll be with you today! Right Liz?" she said. I pleaded my mom with my eyes to say no. "I mean if Luke wants to.." my mom said. "Yay your not going then!" she said hugging me. I looked at my mom and she shrugged. Acacia was a childhood friend. Sure I used to mess around with her too but now I don't like her that way. I never did. She gets in everyone's nerves. I texted the guys about the problem and told them not to tell Jocelyn or Nataly. I would get in a lot of trouble. I made sure to put a password on my phone so this bitch doesn't go on.

Jocelyn's Pov next day

"I saw Luke walking to school but he had a girl next to him" I told Nataly. "That's why all the guys ignored me today!" Nataly said. "He used me...I can't believe I was so STUPID!" I punched my locker. "I shouldn't have trusted him!" I said."All they wanted to do was hurt us and take advantage!" Nataly said. James stopped by and walked to us. "I'm sorry but I tried to warn you" he said. "Yeah well it's too late now sorry for not believing you James" I said. He hugged me. "Hey don't worry about it" he said. Luke passed by with his slut and stared at me. I wanted to yell at him! but I knew if I did I would have looked like he got to me...and I wasn't gonna let that happen. I just kept holding on tight to James.

Luke kept looking at me the whole day. Probably cause Nataly and I went to hang out with James again. Seeing Luke everywhere with that girl made me soo pissed off but broken at the same time. She was prettier than me and Skinner. I'm pretty sure my self confidence just dropped low. I tried to ignore the fact that I still had feelings for Luke. "Hey you okay" someone said. I looked up and it was one of James football friend. "Yeah I'm alright...Chase?" I said. "Yup right that's my name" he said smiling. He had a warm smile. He didn't seem like a jerk. "So are you gonna watch us practice today?" he asked. I shrugged "I don't know if I'm invited I guess." "Well your invited! The most beautiful girl has to support her schools team right?" He said. I blushed "Thanks I guess"

Luke's Pov

"Why did she leave me?" I asked the guys. "Technically you left her for Ms.Annoying" Michael said. "I can't say no to her she's the daughter to my dads boss!" I explained. "Yeah well Jocelyn doesn't know her it looks like you cheated and used her" Ashton said. "I'm Back!!" Acacia said. Calum rolled his eyes and we walked down the hall. I heard Jocelyn's laughter. We got around the corner and there she was looking beautiful as ever..But next to her was the jock I hated the most fuckin Chase Williams

~ Note

Omg what's gonna happen next??? Anyway thanks to all you people who keep on voting and reading this!! I love you guys soo much.. I would buy you all ice cream!! But I don't know what kind you like. c:

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