Ch.33 Do you Wanna Build A Snowman?!

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Luke's Pov

I was watching frozen with Michael when we heard my mom. "Lucas, hunny please get the mail!" She asked. I looked at Michael who was sucked into the movie. I stood up and went out to the mail. There was a letter for me!

Dear Luke,
I got you tickets for L.A! I hope to see you here. I know you wouldn't come alone so I got you for your friends and mom. See I'm a nice person! I rented a cabin house for you guys in the mountains. Be safe!

I saw in the envelope 7 airplane tickets to L.A. I ran in the house and showed Michael. "Mikey! Look L.A!!" I screamed pointing to the tickets. "Let's All Go!!" he said screaming. My mom walked in and stared at us. "Lucas inside voice.." she said. "No but mom look!" I showed her the tickets. "Who sent you them?" She asked. "I dunno but lets go to L.A!" I said. "H'm well I'm not sure" She looked at me. "Do you really think its not a joke or something?" I looked to the floor. "Yea I'm sure its not" I said not looking at her. "Well....alright"

"We're going to L.A!" Jocelyn screamed hugging me. "I know its awesome!" I said kissing her cheek. "Hopefully nothing happens" Calum said. "Don't worry Cal" Michael said. "Well then we have to make plans everyone partner up" Ashton said. "Jocelyn!" Michael ran up to her. "Mikey" she smiled. "Calum!" Nataly said. He then hugged her. What the hell just happened?! "This backfired" Ashton said standing next to me.

Days After

"To the Airport!" Mikey said. Ashton and Nataly have been arguing more often. Its kinda been awkward now. We went on the plane and I quickly fell asleep.

2 am. Jocelyn's Pov

"All we do is fight now" Nataly said crying. "He doesn't even apologize afterwards" She said. Calum was just hugging her. I was on my knees in the seat looking at her silently cry. "I want to make this work but..." she just cried more while everyone was asleep.

A long long time later

"Yay Snow!!" Michael ran out the car and threw himself in the snow. "Michael be careful!" I said rushing to him. "Let's go to the mountains he said....It'll be fun he said." Calum grumbled getting out of the car. "All I want is sleep!!" Nataly complained. "14 hours on a plane and an extra in car" Ashton said. "Whose idea was to come to L.A in the first place?" Calum growled. We all looked at Luke. "I got the free plane tickets! I wasn't gonna waste them. Plus Michael really wanted to come to the snow" Luke defended. "♪Do you wanna build a snow man?!♪" Michael sang. "Mikey stop...please stop" Nataly said. "Well kids C'mon to the cabin" Liz said. Liz agreed to take the group to the mountains herself. "What if we see a big foot or yeti?" Luke asked. "We then sacrifice Calum" Michael said laughing. I hopped on Luke's back and kissed his cheek. "Are you still mad?" I asked. "Yes" he said carrying me. I laughed and slightly bite his earlobe. He shivered and pouted. "Hey I'm supposed to be mad at you stop" He said. We went into the cabin. "Who ever set this up is rich" Calum said. "Okay everyone... Ladies on the right and guys on left" Liz said. There were four rooms. Liz had her own. Nataly and I shared, Luke with Ash, and Mikey with Cal. I went with Nataly and put things away. "Have you talked to him?" I asked. "Yeah a little" she said. "Hopefully you guys make up" I said. "Yeah...hopefully"

We went outside with everyone and built a fire in the fire place thing. "This looks nice" I said hugging Mikey. Luke was staring and I stuck out my tongue at him. And he smirked? He then got next to Ashton to cuddle with him. "Ship, Otp" I mouthed. He rolled his eyes. "Anyone up for scary stories" Cal questioned. "I am" Ashton said.
"I heard one, a father is laying in bed after just waking up, he grabs the baby monitor and walks to his desk in his office at home, he has his baby on the baby monitor and hears his wife singing to her, he cracks a smile as he hears his wife “Go to sleep… go to sleep…” When suddenly the front door opens up and his wife comes in with groceries."
Michael was holding on to my arm. "That was lame" Calum said. "Then why are your legs shaking" He looked at them and blushed. "It's cold here women!" he said. We laughed at the blushing boy. "Alright then ill go" I said. "Of course the real ghost hunter here" Luke teased. "Shut up" I said blushing.
"So in one of the cases Nataly and I had a little kid called us saying something was wrong in his basement. This is what he said.  Mommy told me never to go in the basement, but I wanted to see what was making that noise. It kind of sounded like a puppy, and I wanted to see the puppy, so I opened the basement door and tiptoed down a bit. I didn’t see a puppy, and then Mommy yanked me out of the basement and yelled at me. Mommy had never yelled at me before, and it made me sad and I cried. Then Mommy told me never to go into the basement again, and she gave me a cookie. That made me feel better, so I didn’t ask her why the boy in the basement was making noises like a puppy, or why he had no hands or feet."
"Oh my God!" Calum screeched hanging to Luke. Ashton awkwardly laughed. "That's scary" Ash said. By now Michael was literally on my lap. "Michael get off her" Luke said pouting. "Leave him, he's just a Kitty!" I said hugging the shaking boy. "Next person!" I said. "Me!" Calum said. "Alright Mr.Hood go ahead"
"So there was a little girl who used to go to the park everyday with her dad. One day the dad went to buy ice cream and left the girl on the swings. She was looking at the forest near where se was and walked towards a tall shadow. Her dad went looking for her and entered the forest. He soon found his daughter laying on the floor dead with blood spilling out. He noticed the blood led to a tree where a tall like man was there. He quickly knew it was slenderman."
"Yay nice one Mr.Hood!" I said clapping. "That's not fair! You used that cause she has a weird obsession with slenderman" Luke whinnied. "Luke stop being a sore loser" I pointed out. "Let's just stop for today poor Michael is gonna have nightmares" Nataly said finally speaking.  We all agreed and went inside putting the fire out. Everyone went to bed except Luke and I. Luke hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. "You love me now?" I said. "I love you! I just didn't show like this cause Michael was wherever you went" He said. We sat down in the living room couch. He started kissing my cheek. "What's up with you?" I said laughing. "I don't know" he kissed my lips this time. "You know what I'm in the mood for" He said kissing my neck. "No I don't want to know" I said blushing. "Why not? Your gonna like it" he said biting my earlobe. "No Luke we can't here!" I said blushing. I couldn't even think right anymore. He suddenly stopped and dragged me somewhere. I started protesting when I figured out the way we were heading. "No way! not in there!" I said. He was trying to push me in a closet! "Well where do you wanna do it?" He said putting his hand under my shirt. "Not here!" I blushed. He dragged me somewhere else further back. He shoved us into the far bathroom and pushed me against the wall. "Your still gonna have to be quiet princess" He growled into my ear. With that many pleasure he was giving me I didn't think I would.

Next Day

"I have a question still" Calum ask. "What?" Luke asked. We were eating breakfast in the kitchen. "What were you and Jocelyn doing up so late?" He asked. I almost choked on the pancake. "We were hunting for ghosts" Luke simply said. "No wonder I heard bangings on the walls" Michael said. "Yup" Luke said drinking. He looked at me and winked. I looked at Nataly and she giggled. "But Luke who sent you the tickets anyway?" I asked. "I don't says Signed by ~A I glared at him for being stupid. "You mean Acacia?" I said. "Oh" he said looking at the letter. "It is her handwriting.." He said. Ashton went behind him and smacked his head. "Well at least she's not here" Nataly said. Anyway at the end we ended up going outside to build a snowman and have a 'playful' snowball fight. And by playful i mean to death....Nataly and I won the boys.

Hey guys! Here is the link for the first scary stories they said! The Calum one I made up :p Thanks for everyones support on this story your all so kind c: The story is soon to its end..But don't worry I am making a sequel!

Next on Ch.34 Needing A Christmas Miracle

"You know what fuck you all!" Calum said walking away. "Your stupid ass started it!" Michael yelled. "Guys C'mon calm down" Jocelyn said trying to stop a fight. "Get out of this!" Ashton yelled. "Don't yell at my girlfriend like that!" Luke shoved Ashton. "Shut up little boy" Ashton wanted to swing at him but Nataly got his hands. "Stop it all of you! Tomorrow's Christmas. and we're gonna spend it together!" she said. "Not with these asses! " Calum said. "Yeah no thanks!" Michael said. All of the boys just walked away in different directions.

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