Ch.46 Old Love Reunited

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No Hate Intended Towards Aleisha. I love how cute they were together! I just needed another Love interest. Now Carry on...

Jocelyn's Pov

"Your back?" I asked picking up my cup that landed upright. "No damage" Nataly said wiping the spot of Starbucks that managed to spill. "Yeah I didn't expect to bump into you guys first" she smiled. "Why who were you expecting?" Nataly teased. I kicked her under the table knowing who she was talking to. "Oh you know... Luke" she blushed. I mentally screamed. "Oh" Nataly laughed awkwardly. "I knew it would be a bit awkward if I talked to him know because I dumped him. But I want to see if he's willing to try again" she smiled. She's too cute....she's a threat. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. "Want his new number?" Nataly asked. I kicked her harder under the table again. "You have it?!" she asked surprisingly. "Yeah hold up here" Nataly gave her his phone number and she called him. "The line seems busy" she mumbled. My phone then started ringing and it was Luke. They both looked at phone placed on the table and saw the caller i.d.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Which one are you guys at?" He asked.
"The one by that really good ice cream place" I answered.
"Alright I'll be there soon"
"Please.." I sighed looking at Aleisha glaring at me. We hung up and stayed quiet the whole time. Nataly made small conversation with her while we waited for Luke. This is not good. Not good...

When Luke came he didn't even notice her until he sat down. "Oh Aleisha Your back!" He smiled. She just smiled at him and looked at us while we sat next to each other a bit to close. "Aren't you gonna order?" I asked. "No I'm fine. Just share with me" he took my drink and started to finish it. Aleisha gave us a weird look but I avoided her eyes. Nataly had to hold her laugh back and I glared at her. "Ashton said he needed to talk to Calum about something. Do you know what it is?" Luke asked Nataly. Now it was my turn to laugh and she glared at me. "Shit I need to go find him" she waved at us and bolted to the door.

Awkward silence. No one spoke at all. Luke was too oblivious to notice the tension between us girls. "So how long have you been dating?" she asked glaring at me. "For about two years one and a half? Since sophomore year" Luke smiled. "Seems like you moved on quickly after we broke up" she teased. "Yup! I'm glad I found Jocelyn!" he kissed my temple. He didn't notice how that angered her so I just sunked lower on my chair avoiding eye contact. Just kill me. I had a bad feeling about what was gonna happen next and surely enough she brought up the past. "What happened to James?" she asked with a smile. Luke now tensed and I quickly replied "Nothing we just stopped hanging out." "Hmmm interesting...Remember when Calum and Michael were filming a video and we kissed?" she laughed coldly. "Oh yeah." he awkwardly laughed. Doesn't matter what you say bitch. He's mine now... "I'm still glad you were my" she teased. I knew what she was trying to say on how she smirked at me. "Hm I guess?" he asked. "Are Nataly and Ashton having couple problems?" Luke asked. "Yeah you know every couple gets them" I said ignoring Aleisha. "Have you guys?" she butt in. "Only a few" he answered holding my hand. "It's usually when annoying ass people try to stick their ass into our business" I smiled sweetly. "Huh. Yeah those people are annoying" she glared. Luke awkwardly coughed.

Few Days Later

"I'm gonna murder her Nataly! I swear to god...And your gonna help me hide her body" I whined at lunch. We were outside eating peacefully. "Sure no problem. I know a guy" she agreed. "Shit!" we heard Luke yell and ran to see the guys fighting guys from the soccer team. We managed to pull them apart but Luke got a last punch straight to his face. "Lukey!" Aleisha popped out of nowhere and ran towards him. I left Michael and pushed her out of the way and hugged Luke. "Stupid why did you do that for?" I mumbled cleaning his face. "They called Aleisha a bitch" he simply said. "And she isn't?" Nataly mumbled rolling her eyes. "She could take care of her own problems Lucas" I glared. "How could you say that? She's my friend" Luke grumbled. "Fine then whatever. Get your ass kicked by the soccer team see if I care" I stood up and left him sitting on the grass with his mouth wide opened. "Well you just told Luke go fuck yourself" Michael said wrapping his arm around me. He was struggling walking. "Why did you get in the fight?" I asked walking him to the nurse office. "I have no idea... I see my mate getting his ass kicked so I just jump in" he answered. "Huh well care to know why Mr.Hero Hemmings got in a fight?" I asked. "Hopefully a good cause?" he smiled. "Ha. No, one of them called Aleisha a bitch" I answered. "Wow that was a waste of energy" he huffed. We went in the office and the nurse took Michael in. "What happened this time?" Mr. Alex the nurse asked. "This dumbass got in a fight" I pointed out. "Don't call me that" Michael whined. "I thought you didn't fight anymore?" Alex asked. "Stupid Luke" Michael pouted while he cleaned his face. "Jocelyn take care of your boyfriend more" Mr.Alex teased. "Don't remind me" I huffed taking a small juice from his refrigerator.

Two Days Later

At the end of class I waited for Michael in his locker. I saw Luke and Aleisha walking together so I pushed pass by them. I heard Luke sigh and tell her she could leave without him. "Wait!" He rushed I was about to leave but he grabbed my wrist. "Why have you been ignoring me?" he asked trying to look at my eyes. "I thought you wouldn't notice seeing how much you've been paying attention to your ex" I snapped shaking my wrist free from his grip. "C'mon babe don't be like this" he whined. "Leave me alone" I backed away but he hugged me from behind. "Princess don't be mad" he kissed my cheek. "Don't fucking call me that asshole" I mumbled trying to free myself but with his broad shoulders I didn't have a chance. "Your so cute when your angry" he teased. "Well then I must be fucking adorable right now" I snapped. He laughed and continued to pepper my face with kisses. "Stop You jerk! I'm trying to be mad" I laughed. "Lukey! Help!" A voice interrupted us. He looked towards the voice and completely forgot I was there in his arms. "Don't go" I held on to his shoulders. "I have too..." His voice trailed on. "I swear to god Lucas Hemmings if you go..." I didn't get to finish my sentence because he was already running towards her.

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