Ch.29 Make Ups

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Luke's Pov

I sat on the car next to Jocelyn. "Why haven't you texted me or called me back?" I asked her.

"Oh I don't have my phone. Jackson accidentally broke it" she said.


"You could've told me" I said.

"I didn't have time" she answered. I bit my lip fast.

"Fine" I said getting out the car. I started walking away.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"I'm going to find my girlfriend cause your certainly not her" I said.

"What are you talking about Lucas!"

"You have to choose it gonna be Jackson or your friends?"

"No I'm not gonna choose!"

"What do your friends think of that or is Jackson your only friend?" I said.

"Luke this isn't about our friends! It's about you being jealous!"


"No it's not your avoiding the question!" I said.

"Why do I have to choose? I have to have my other friends too!" She said.

"So your choosing him?"

"Ugh Listen to me Lucas!! I'm not going to choose anyone over anyone"

"Fine just leave us then" I started walking away.

"Screw you! Your the one walking away!" she yelled.

I was walking inside Jackson passed by me. "Thanks for making it easier for me" he said smirking. I stopped walking while he just walked away. "Fuck"


"Where are you going?" I asked Ashton and Nataly. "Jocelyn's aunt is visiting and I wanted to see her again" Nataly said. "What about you?" I asked Ash. "I'm just dropping her off" he said. "Alright well bye guys" Michael said. Michael, Calum and I started playing a video game. I won and the princess jumped to my arms. "Why can't it be this easy?" I groaned. "Your missing Jocelyn?" Calum asked. I just nodded. "That explains why you named the princess Jocelyn" Michael teased.

Luke's Pov Days Later

Jocelyn hasn't been talking to me for some time now. I know I made her angry. I walked toward the bottom of the hill and saw apples rolling down. "Huh?" I turned around to see a women hurrying to catch them. One stopped at my foot and I got them. The lady hurried and got the other apples. "You dropped the apples" I said handing her them. "Thank you" she said. "Don't worry I'll help you carry them" I said. "How nice of you" she said. "Are you new to town?" I asked. "Yeah only for a little. I'm here to visit my niece" she said. 

I went to the lady's house to help her out. When I looked at the house my face went pale. The house was Jocelyn's. "C'mon come in" she said. I nodded and entered the house. "Hi Lucas i see you met Juliet. Stay here I'll make you a quick snack for helping her" Jocelyn's mom said smiling. "No its okay" I said. "I'm not asking sit down boy" she said disappearing into the kitchen. I sat on the couch. Somehow I knew I'd end up here. "I'm guessing you know Jocelyn?" Her aunt asked. I nodded. "Are you two friends?" She asked. "He's her boyfriend!" Jocelyn's mom yelled from the kitchen. "Oh my God Really!" Her aunt said excitedly. Oh gosh. "Yeah but she's mad at me" I said. "Why what did you do?" She asked. I told her every detail. "Well it looks like its your fault" She said. "Yeah I know...but I don't know how to solve it" I told her. Jocelyn's mom came with slices of apples. "Well think about how Jocelyn's feeling" Her mom said. "She's confused since she doesn't know who to pick" Her aunt said. "Yeah honestly I don't think she ever saw Jackson as a guy" her mom said "She only saw him as a brother." "Either way I know Jackson won't give up on her" Her aunt said. "Yeah I know but I wont let him take her away from me" I said. Both of the ladies aw'ed. "That's so cute!" Her mom said. "I'm home!" I looked at the front door and saw Jocelyn. Her face went dark. "What the hell are you doing here you jerk" She said coldly. "He helped me when the apples dropped!" Her aunt said. "What's in the bag?" Her mom asked. "Oh uh its a gift" She said. "From who?" Her aunt asked. "From.....Jackson" She said. I stood up and walked over to her. "We need to talk" I told her.

Jocelyn's Pov

We got to my room and he locked the door. I went and sat on my bed while he leaned at the wall. "Who do you choose?" He asked me.

"Are you serious Luke?!" I yelled in frustration.

"What's so bad about that? Are you confused on who to choose?!" He argued.

"Luke I'm not going to stop talking to Jackson so drop it" I said walking towards the door. I opened it and Luke slammed it shut again.

"No we need to talk about this" he said. I turned around and he placed his hands on the door next to my head.

"There's nothing to talk about if your just going to be a douch bag" I said.

"I won't I promise" he said.

"Fine" I Said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Why? What?"

"Why do you always pay attention to him and not me?!" He said raising his voice.

"Luke what are you talking about?" I asked.

"How many times have you seen me at school or anywhere for the past weeks!?" He asked angrily. Come to think of it like two times..

"Nataly even says you left her! All because of him" He said.

"I-I didn't know" I said quietly.

"He's with you every second of the day and I just watch you slowly fade" he said.

"Do you even love me still?" I looked at him.

"Of course I do" I said.

"Then why aren't you with me?? I miss you" he said.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"He just came and took you away from me" he said.

"Luke if your jealous you could've told me from the start" I said hugging him. He put his hands on my waist.

"No I'm embarrassed" Luke said turning pink. I let go and smiled at his flustered face.


"So what did HE give you?" Luke asked. I took the little box out of my bag. "A new Phone?!" He gasped. "Yeah he kept making fun of my galaxy and he dropped it in his he got me a iPhone with the same number and everything" I told him. "Wow he spoils you..I should be the one to spoil you" he said kissing my cheek.  "Well then you should spoil me" I said smiling and looking up at him. He leaned down and kissed my nose. "What do you say if we go out tonight just you and me" he said whispering in my ear. "That sounds great" I said. We hold hands and walked downstairs. "Looks like you two made up" My Auntie said. "Yup" I said. "Mom is it okay if I go out with Luke tonight?" I asked. "Hm I don't know are you going to be safe?" she said. "Oh my gosh mom" I said. "Fine you can" she said laughing. I waved at my mom and headed out the door with Luke. I walked towards his car when I saw Jackson coming towards us. Oh no... Luke tensed beside me. "Hey" he said standing in front of me. "Hi" I said smiling. He had flowers. Pleaseee tell me they're not for me... "These are for you"

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