Ch.45 Love Triangles

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Jocelyn's Pov

Tuesday morning I walk to my locker to get tackled by Nataly. "Dude problem. Big ass problem" she panicked. "Well shit what happed?" I asked looking at her weirdly. "I kissed Calum"

"You did what?!" I yelled and dragged her by the ear to an empty class. "Ow Stop!" she whined. "It wasnt my fault! He just went in for it so I couldn't fight back!" she explained when I let her go. "Why? What in the world happened yesterday?" I asked. "Well..."


"Listen Michael you can't hit on the teacher. She wont make your grade go up" I explained. "But Nataly! I swear she must want me" he whined. "Your crazy" Calum said walking beside me. "Where's Ashton?" Calum asked looking at me. "He said he had to do important business" I recalled. "What does that mean?" Mikey questioned. "I dont know. He's been secretive for the past few weeks" I pointed out. "Look there's Miss Kerr. I'll be back" Michael smirked walking to our biology teacher. "He's not gonna get a A+ if that's what he's looking for" Calum laughed. "He's gonna get a slap though" I smiled. I walked with Calum to lunch and sat in our usual secret hidden place behind the cafeteria where trees and a table were sitting. "I wonder what Jocelyn and Luke are up to" I told him eating my pizza. "Hm..hows it going with Ashton?" he asked avoiding my eyes. "I haven't talked to him a lot. He doesn't reply to my messages because he's too busy with senior stuff" I frowned. After a few minutes of us talking the bell rang and we threw our trash. "You know. You deserve someone that will pay their full atention on you" he noted. I stared at him and he moved closer to me. "L-Like Who?" I asked my heart beating faster. "Me" he leaned in and brought my face closer to his for a kiss.

End Of Flashback

"So yeah..." Nataly finished explaining. "Wait...Michael and Miss Kerr?" I asked. "Jocelyn! Your supposed to be paying attention to me" she whined. "Right sorry" I apologized. "Well do Calum?" I asked. "No! I don't. But I'm confused on how I didn't pull back" she admitted. "Probably you just didn't want to hurt him I guess" I replied. "Maybe...but the thing is like I don't feel like gross that I kissed him. I feel bad but it's not like the kiss was bad" she tried to explain. "Hm well I kinda understand you...are you gonna tell Ashton?" I asked. "I guess I have too" she sighed. "Yeah you do. Now don't make things awkward with Calum. We can't let a kiss break up our group" I warned her. She nodded and we made our separate ways to class. "I swear I miss a day and everything happens" I told Michael. He was gossiping about a fight that happened between the volleyball team. "You should have seen it Jocelyn. The whole team had to hold them back" Michael noted. "Guys! I heard what next years prom theme might be!" Calum said rushing in. Having first period with these two always brightened my mood. "How did you hear?" I asked as he sat on my desk. "I was sneeking in the staff room. Don't ask why. And heard Principle Quinn say prom for next year is 'The New Broken Scene'" he air quoted. "What does that even mean?" I asked. He simply shrugged. "Wait why where you in there?" Michael asked. "I told you not to ask" Calum sighed. "Naah now I wanna know" Michael whined while Calum ignored him.

After School

"Jocelyn did you get the stuff!?" I heard my brother yell from downstairs. "What stuff?!" I yelled. "The suitcases Stupid!" he yelled. I poked my head to see him. "You dont have to be rude Kris" I glared. "Sorry I'm just sad that their leaving already" Kris pouted. His group was leaving tonight and we were all packing everything. "Don't worry they'll be back soon" I smiled. He stayed quiet and left. "Gosh why doesn't he just say his quitting the group already..." I mumbled.

Nataly's Pov

"Ashton I need to tell you something.." I took a deep breath pushing his bare chest away. His eyes fluttered open and he stopped nibbling at my neck. "What is it babe?" He asked pulling away. "I um...please dont get mad at me" I pleaded. "I wont I promise" he smiled. "Calum and I kissed..." I whispered. He stopped for a second. I couldn't read the expression he had. "Do you love him?" he asked slowly. "No....I dont" I closed my eyes. "Then it doesnt matter" he stated and began kissing me again. Alright then? I guess..

Next Day

At school everything was perfectly normal. But it was a bit too perfect. I felt like everyone knew about the kiss. "Hey losers. The new grades were just updated and guess who got a B in Miss Kerr's class?" Michael bragged. "Gross Michael" I laughed. "Michael we all know what you did to get that grade cause your not the brightest kid in there" Jocelyn teased. "Cmon Michael just admit you did something with Miss Kerr" Calum added standing close to me. "What no! You people be trippin. I'm just good in that class" he defended himself. "You could hardly draw a stick figure. Theres no way your passing Art class" Calum teased again. "Well I do now" He whined. "Whatever just let me get a few minutes of sleep" Calum rested his head on my shoulder while he slept.

"That's it? No yelling or threatening to kill him?" Jocelyn asked while we were at Starbucks. I was telling her what happened last night with Ashton after school since the boys were with us at all times during the day. "Nothing. I swear isn't it weird?" I asked. "Yeah do you think??...he might be into that stuff??" she whispered the last part. I almost spit out my drink. "I-No! I mean I don't think so.." I blushed. "You never know" Jocelyn teased. "Stop! Gosh your making me think wrong" I covered my face. "Did your brothers friends leave?" I asked sipping my cold drink. "Yeah...Kris said he was gonna stay until he knows what to do with his life...So he might be here for our graduation" Jocelyn smiled. "That's great. Did you tell him about you applying to UCI in California?" I asked. "Yeah. He said hopefully I get accepted" She nodded. "Hopefully we both do...I wanna get out of this place" I sighed. "Too much pain in this town" She added. "Nice to see your doing well.." a voice said. We both looked up and Jocelyn's dropped her cup. "Aleisha McDonald?"

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