Ch.34 Needing A Christmas Miracle

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    One day in Christmas break the group had decided to spend Christmas together at Jocelyn's House. Unfortunately one of them was the Grinch of Christmas. *Cough* Calum *Cough* So they started facing problems as they went.

    "C'mon guys let's put the lights" Jocelyn said. Her parents and sister left to her grandmothers house for the holidays while she faked being sick to have everyone over. Luke hung the lights outside and Calum was complaining of having nothing to do. "Calum then do something gosh" Ashton said helping Nataly take the inflatable Penguin outside. Calum stood up and helped Michael put the star on tree. Calum accidentally tripped over and the tree almost fell on poor Michael. "Calum! What the fuck!?" Mikey yelled. Luke and Ashton helped Michael get the tree back to place. "Sorry but It was clearly your fault" He said. "What the hell is your problem? You tripped!" Ash said. "Whatever man" Calum went outside to help the girls. "Calum can you connect them but in different places please?" Jocelyn said handing him five plugs. She was on a ladder putting the lights on top. He nodded and saw a huge plug. Why plug them differently? He thought. Calum connected them all and Nataly screamed at Jocelyn. "Watch out!" She screamed as the electricity sparked. Luke ran outside and caught Jocelyn before she could fall. All the lights went off and they all checked if Jocelyn was alright. "Yeah I'm fine good thing Luke caught me" she said hugging him. Once they all calmed down the guys glared at Calum. "What?! She's not dead or anything!" He said. By now all the boys were in a bad mood. Jocelyn went and rearranged the light plugs and everything turned back on. "Yay better" Jocelyn said high-fiving Nataly. "Time to eat Everyone" Jocelyn announced.

"Can I help set up the table?" Calum asked. All the boys jumped in and said No. "Sure Calum put the cups" Jocelyn said ignoring the rest. He placed them and everyone sat down. "Since Tomorrow is Christmas we will spend time with our Families until 6pm that's when we meet here" Nataly said going over the plan. Everyone nodded. "If Calum doesn't ruin it.." Michael said. "Excuse me?!" Calum responded. "You've been fucking everything up" Michael said. "Shut it Michael" Ashton said. "Who are you? Our dad?!" Michael said. "Considering you are all acting like little kids yes" Ashton snapped. "Ashton stop" Jocelyn said. He rolled his eyes. "Its not my fault you guys are a pain in the ass" He mumbled. "What the actual fuck we haven't done anything and your saying we're a pain in the ass?!" Luke yelled. "Fuck this shit" Calum said standing up and leaving. "Guys C'mon" Nataly called out. They ignored the girls protest and walked out. "Guys why did you all get mad?" Jocelyn said running outside. "Cause of stupid Calum!" Luke, Ash, and Michael yelled. "You know what fuck you all!" Calum said walking away. "Your stupid ass started it!" Michael yelled. "Guys C'mon calm down" Jocelyn said trying to stop a fight. "Get out of this!" Ashton yelled. "Don't yell at my girlfriend like that!" Luke shoved Ashton. "Shut up little boy" Ashton wanted to swing at him but Nataly got his hands. "Stop it all of you! Tomorrow's Christmas. and we're gonna spend it together!" she said. "Not with these asses! " Calum said. "Yeah no thanks!" Michael said. All of the boys just walked away in different directions. "Are you being serious right now?!" Nataly said. They all just kept on walking. "What do we do now?" Jocelyn asked. Nataky shrugged and sighed. "Why did this have to happen today?" she mumbled. "We need a plan" Jocelyn said. "I'm guessing you already have one?" Nataly asked. Jocelyn smiled and they both went back inside. 

So while the girls were busy planning the boys went directly to their houses and did the manliest thing to do in a situation like this. Tell Their moms. At night Jocelyn was heading for Luke's house to try to soften him up. She greeted his mom in the front door and headed for his room. "Luke? Its me open up.." she said knocking. "Um sorry but I dont know anyone named Me" He said. "Luke shut up it's your girlfriend open up" She said rolling her eyes at the lame joke. He opened the door and hugged her. "Your hair smells like apples" He said sniffing her hair. "Hm maybe thats why my shampoo says Apples on it" She sarcastically said. He shut the door and the two made theyre way to the bed. "We need to talk about what happened" She stated looking directly at his eyes.

Nataly had gone to Ashtons  house to talk to him. "Ash?" she said knocking at his room door. He opened the door and hugged her. "Hey whats wrong?" She asked. "I kinda feel bad about what happened" He whispered. She closed the door and sat next to him at his bed. "It's not your fault everyone was pissed off" She explained. "But I feel I was the one who ticked them off completely " He said laying his head on her shoulder. "Dont worry Ash they dont hate you" She said holding his hand. "I just feel like I was being a total jerk" He murmured. Nataly just kissed the top of his head. "Now lets go make up with the rest."

Back at Calum's house. He was feelig a bit guilty of all of this. He was just looking at the clock to pass time. "What if we never talk to eachother anymore?" He thought. He began to get anxious and walk around. "Maybe one of them will call" He quietly said. He stared at his phone for about five minutes before giving up that they would call him. "I'll just call Mikey and apologize " He thought. While dialing Michael was looking at his screen questioning if he would answer. He was also thinking they wouldnt talk no more. Mikey quickly picked up and they both blurted the same thing. "Sorry!"

Jocelyn was still trying to convince Luke. "Why should I talk to Those guys? Huh?!" Luke said. "Luke they have been your best friends you have to...Do you want to throw all your friendship away just because of a stupid little argument?" She said to him. "Yes" he mumbled. She slapped him in the back of his head and answered her ringing phone. Calum called her saying he made up with Michael and were heading to her house. She told then she'll meet them there. "Luke everyone made up but you...If your not gonna try I'm leaving" Jocelyn went out the door. "You know where to find us" she said before leaving.

Everyone was already at the house except Luke. "It's almost 12" Jocelyn mumbled looking at the clock. "Hey don't worry Jocelyn he'll be here" Michael said. He said that but everyone was doubting it. Michael and Calum were sitting in the floor next to Jocelyn while Nataly and Ashton were both cuddling on the couch. Jocelyn checked her phone for the tenth time before Calum took it and turned it off. "Hey!" Jocelyn complained. "C'mon Jocelyn take your mind off him" He said giving her a controller. "Fine I guess" she turned her attention to the game and started playing. After beating the guys Jocelyn went outside for a bit. She saw Luke's car making his way to her house. "Took you long enough" She said walking towards him. "Heh sorry" He replied hugging her. "You should tell me sorry" Jocelyn said kissing his cheek. "Yeah I know.." They stayed quiet for a few seconds. "Its midnight" Luke said looking at his phone. "Merry Christmas Luke" Jocelyn said smiling at him holding a little box in her hands. "Merry Christmas" He replied getting his box out. They shared a quick kiss and got Luke's presents for everyone from his car. "Hey Everyone!" Luke said walking inside. Everyone greeted him and handed their gifts. Calum handed Jocelyn her gift and she opened it. "Awww Calum...this is soo cute thanks!" She said. Calum had made a album of everyone filled with pictures. "Look the Valentine's Dance!" Mikey said pointing at the picture. "The time we went to the beach!" Ash said. "The mountain pictures are here too!" Nataly said. "This is awesome!" Luke said. "I also put the pictures you took of us" Calum said. "Its amazing! Thanks Calum!" She gave him a hug and everyone started to look through the pictures.

  So the gang all had a great Christmas together. They shared laughs the entire night hanging around. They even dared Calum and Michael to kiss didn't happen. All ends well here everyone.
Happy Holidays!!
~From the gang

"What the hell are we the scooby doo gang?!"

"Calum shut up" 

Fine then the group happy?!

Next on Ch.35 Birthdays

"What do girls even like?" Asked Calum. "Let's get them these" Mikey said pointing at some underwear with hearts on them. They both started giggling but Luke and Ashton smacked them in the back of their heads. "Your talking about our girlfriends remember" Ashton said glaring. "We know sorry" The boys said. "What if they know about the surprise party" Calum asked. "Don't worry! I called for backup!!" Michael said. "Let me guess Melanie?" Luke asked. "Hahah no she couldn't...I called a old friend of hers" He said. "You didn't..." Luke said with eyes open. "No not James!!" Mikey said. The three boys looked at him. Then they realized and Calum and Ashton started laughing. "Its Not Funny You Called...!"

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