Ch.44 I'm Not Jealous

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Jocelyn's Pov

First night was tough. All they did was talk about things and I literally fell asleep on my brothers shoulder. When I woke up I was asleep in my room. "Kris must have carried me here" I mumbled still half asleep. I stood uo careful not to step on Xiumin and Lay who were sleeping on the inflatable bed. "Finally your up" a voice started. I jumped and saw my brother. "Jerk you scared me" I glared. "Hurry help me make breakfast" he dragged me. "I have school, I need to get ready" I protested. "Cant you skip?" he asked. "Its the last two weeks and you want me to skip?" I asked pulling a are you serious face. "Yeah why not. I'll call your sick" he shrugged. "Well....I guess then" Agreeing I got the pancake mix and started breakfast.

"Yeah she's really sick and cant make it" Kris explained to the office lady on the phone. "Who am I? I'm her older brother Kris" he explained. I rolled my eyes at his excuse. "Yes I'm in her emergency cards....Alright thank you" he smiled and hung up. "See? Easy" he smirked. I ignored him and made enough pancakes for twelve boys and myself. "If you stack them correctly you can make the Eiffel tower" Kris looked at the huge stack of pancakes. "Don't you even dare to touch them" I warned aiming my spatula at him.

After breakfast I had to text Nataly and tell her the reason I wasn't going today. She congratulated me like I had just told her I won an award. Luke had tried calling me too but I was busy hanging out with the boys in the mall. "I swear that shirt looked ugly on you. Why would you buy it?" Sehun sassed Tao. "Shut your mouth it's Gucci" he snapped. "You guys are sassier than me" I laughed. "I'll take that as a compliment" Sehun smiled putting his arm around me. "Hands off" Kris warned pulling me to his side. "Are you her bodyguard or something?" Sehun mumbled. "Yes I am" Kris grumbled. "He seems to really be protective over you" Lay said walking next to me. "Yeah he's always been like this" I looked over at Kris who was arguing with Sehun and smiled. "Did your brother tell you he wants to quit the dance group?" Lay whispered. I gave him a shocked face but he signaled me to not yell. "No why would he?" I whispered back. "I'll tell you later" he responded seeing the others notice we were getting left behind.

Walking in the food court looking for something to eat alone I felt me crash into broad shoulders. "Luke?" I looked uo to see my boyfriend holding me up. "Hey! Your here" he kissed my cheek while I still had a confused look. "Yes but why are you here. You have class right now" I stated checking the time. "I ditched. It's not fun without you" he pouted. "That's bad dont just ditch" I told him off. "Hey Jocelyn you got something?" Chanyeol asked walking with Baekhyung and Sehun towards us. "No wait almost" I replied in Korean. "Is he bothering you?" Sehun asked putting his arm around me. While Luke had a confused look on his face. "I'll talk to you later" I smiled at Luke. I just walked away trying so hard not to laugh at his face. This was a perfect chance to tease him.

Luke wasn't very happy with the teasing in the mall so he showed up to my house later and saw 12 guys open the door for him and he mentally screamed. "Luke are you sure your okay with the situation?" I asked him for the millionth time seeing him look out for any of the guys. "Yeah don't worry. I trust you completely" He said smiling while holding my hand. "Jocelyn! Dinners ready" Kai said walking in with his shirt off. I held back a laugh as I watched Luke's eyes go wide seeing Kai shirtless. Kai just waved and proceeded to walk down the hall. "I'm not jealous" Luke repeated. "I'm not jealous.." He continued as he closed his eyes and took deep breaths. "Fuck it. How about you spent this whole weekend with me at my house?" Luke said. "Not happening" Kris said walking by. "Hurry up and come eat dinner" Kris hurried. "Are you staying for dinner?" I asked standing up. "Um can I?" he asked. I pulled him towards the kitchen and sat him down with me. "He's weird" Sehun mumbled. "Behave" Suho warned. "Is he your boyfriend?" Lay asked. I nodded and Luke leaned towards me. "What are they saying?" he asked. "I'll tell you later" I whispered frustrating him. "Let's prank him" Chen smirked. "Does he know all of us are gay?" Luhan asked smirking. I shook my head and tried to hold back a laugh. "What happened?" Luke asked. "Nothing" I smiled. "Tell me" he whinned. I shook my head and told him to eat. "Come on someone start" Xiumin agreed to the plan. Everyone stood up and left the dishes in the sink. "Your turn" I told Kris before he could leave without doing the dishes. He let out a threat on how he was gonna murder me in my sleep but did the dishes with his boyfriend Suho.

"The guys are gonna show me how to dance. Wanna see?" I invited Luke. He nodded excitedly and we went to the living room. The boys moved the furniture to make room to dance. "This is gonna be great!" Luke excitedly said sitting on the couch. "I'm not doing the kind of dance your thinking of" I laughed. "Okay lets start all three of us" Lay informed. After a few minuted of observing and trying some moves I got the hang of it. Lay and Kai were teaching while the rest watched from various parts of the room. After getting the hang of the whole dance, I danced with Kai and Lay by my sides. "What else? Any requests?" Lay asked Luke with his english. "Um how about a hot dance?" Luke smirked. "Hot? Like sexy concept?" Chanyeol asked not quite understanding Luke. Lay agreed and told Kai to dance with my back pressed against him. "No-No not with him...I dont trust him" Luke said seperating us. "I trust Dimples over there" Luke pointed at Lay. I translated for the guys and they smirked. "Hes gonna wish he didnt trust him when he dances though" Luhan smirked knowing how better his boyfriend Lay was at dancing. The song started and we got to position and Luke's eyes almost rolled out if his head when we started. "Wait wait hold up!" Luke stood up and pulled me towards him. "You said you trusted him" I teased. "Shh we should leave" he took my hand and lead me outside to his car. "You plan on kidnapping me?" I asked watching him put my seatbelt on for me. "It's not kidnap if you agree" he stated.

We were at his house and I had called Kris saying I was gonna be out for a bit. "Wanna Netflix and chill?" Luke asked wiggling his eyebrows. "But Kris will kill me if I take too long" I pointed out while he placed soft kisses on my neck. "Don't worry then. It'll be a short movie" be smirked. "Aren't You inpatient" I teased unbuttoning his flannel. "Jealousy gets me fired up" he pouted. I leaned to peck his pout which cause a smile to replace it. "I love you" he said caressing my cheek with his thumb. "I love you too you tall dork"

~ Note

Oh by the way the video is Jocelyn dancing with Lay and Kai :)
(Kai is the one with the red snapback and Lay is the one with a black one)

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