Melone - My Best Friend

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Melone was sitting upon his left leg on the living room couch, his arm resting on the top of the back rest, supporting his head mindlessly. The man was yet again lost in thoughts.

You approached him silently. You were used to him being a maladaptive daydreamer and bit back a little smile, trying your best not to startle the light out of him. You discreetly rounded the piece of furniture.

"Hello Melone." Your quiet and gentle voice transported him right back as he finally saw you plop down on the couch by his side.

He gasped, a big smile gracing his face as he opened his arms wide to you, your beautiful sight a gift to his mint green eyes.

"My Y/N! How happy I am to see you~"

You rested your arms across your chest and kept your usual stoic face as the man beside you wrapped his long arms around your shoulders, pulling you close to him as he laid his head sweetly on your frame.

"My best friend..." He sighed delightfully, content with snuggling with you, his most favourite person on the entire planet. Your presence and your scent soothed him deeply, in ways you probably could never realise.

Who would have ever thought that someone as silent and serious as you could ever be best friends with the one and only Melone, the most uncomfortable, lecherous and provocative man you'd never meet?

You both were polar opposites in every way and nobody could understand why he'd even bother connecting with someone like you and how you could even tolerate his existence. But both fate and the heart had their own mysterious rules and sometimes, the weirdest bonds and relationships could happen despite everything. Opposites attract.

As much as you both didn't let it show, you two were actually capable of being great valuable friends who could listen to each other, support and accept all your respective opinions, beliefs, differences, flaws and could bring each other the love and moral support assassins in the mafia could never get, provide, or never had the fortune to experience.

He had been here to shield you from your past demons and traumas, soothed your pains and offered the affection of someone who didn't get any, and on the other hand, you had been here to listen to his past sexual abuse stories, providing him a shoulder to cry upon and most importantly, no judgement and no blame towards him, which is something he never thought he deserved, even as a young boy.

Things happened fast and before you even knew it, you two became best friends, much to the squad's great astonishment. They weren't sure what had happened between you two that triggered that friendship, but they wouldn't question it. In the end, you two were pretty wholesome, as unexpected as it was, and a bit of positivity in the gang sure didn't hurt in a cruel world of crime.

"I love you." You deadpanned at him, not even sparing him a glance and he lifted up his head to look at you, his long lavender strands tickling your face in the process.

"...You sure sound like it. So cute and joyful, I feel so loved, indeed."

Sarcasm. Melone made sure to catch the ever-so-tiny twitch of the corner of your lips at his remark and huffed a little chuckle, his warm breath hitting your skin.

You forcefully grabbed his jaw and leaned in to give him a big, fat and noisy smooch on the cheek, the kind of kiss any grandma would be proud of. You let go after what felt like an Eon with a loud smack and Melone could only stay there dumbfounded, eyes wide while rubbing his bruising cheeks.

"Ow... No gentleness in you, you are so rough! You're a girl but you have no tenderness in your manners." He complained and winced, your affection so aggressive, he felt that kiss like an offence, an attack if he dared say.

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