Dio - Back to you

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Living in London in the 19th century was not easy for everyone.

If you were born in a wealthy or a noble family, you would live a peaceful life, in the countryside maybe. Going into the inner city from time to time to run some errands or have a good time. Study, graduate, get married to a beautiful lady or a nice gentleman, found a family and be happy.

But that was far, far from your situation.
You were a street scum. Yes.

You lived in London, in the dark side of the city, where misery reigned. You were an orphan, you only had your father, and unfortunately, he was slowly dying of a horrible disease. A curable one, yet, way too expensive for you to afford the cure.

You had dropped out of school and stole your way out most of your life. You barely had enough to eat every other day.
When your father fell ill, you had no choice but to find any way to work when possible and pay for his treatments and your basic sanitary needs, mostly putting his well being over your own.

It was hard and stressful, but you knew you could always count on that one person who was always there when you needed him.

The one and only Dio Brando.

Dio grew up with you, he knew the streets of London like the back of his hand, and he often helped you when you were troubled by the men of Ogre Street, or when you were caught red-handed stealing.

Both of you got close as you were in similar situations, so you helped each other out and talked out your problems and concerns. You only had one another and couldn't trust anybody else.

He could act rather coldly or even violent towards people who picked on him, but you knew he hid great pain under his persona, so you could never hate him.
You would usually hang out together outside or get something to eat if you could afford it.

On his side, he was always delighted by your presence. Even with your life situation, you always came up to him with a bright smile on your beautiful face. You never judged his actions and always listened to him.

He wondered sometimes how someone with such a pure heart could even stay with a demon like him.
He felt like he had to protect you. He could fight, he was also very smart, he could always help you, he wanted you to depend on him more.

You both had an unexpectedly tight relationship.

One evening, you came up to him inside a rowdy tavern where he often bet and played chess with strangers. You had a surprise for him.

You came from behind him and put your hands on his shoulders to scare him, but sadly for you, it failed. He turned gracefully around and greeted you.

"Oh Y/N, how are you?" his lips curled upwards charmingly.

"Dio I have amazing news! Did you eat yet?"

He shook his head, wondering what was so amazing that he needed to hear it on an empty stomach.

You sat down at the table in front of him and pulled out something wrapped in paper towels. You unwrapped it onto the table to reveal some skewers.

You looked at him expectantly with a huge smile on your face while Dio's eyes widened like saucers.

"Are you nuts?" he questioned your sanity, bewildered. "Where in hell did you get meat? Are you even aware how expensive that is?"

He still couldn't believe how crazy you were, bringing him noblesse food, for no particular reason. Meat was one of those things you couldn't just steal that easily.

"I know, but I wanted to surprise you! You deserve it after all. Here, eat up!" you handed him one of the skewers eagerly.

"How did you afford it?" His tone was dead serious.

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