Kakyoin - Shelf Love

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We all go rero rero for this boy~
Also, Yes the title is a pun


Kakyoin Noriaki was a strange boy. Even if he seemed very sociable and open, he liked calm and quiet spaces more often than not. He would daydream a lot, take lonely walks and, even if he never minded some company or conversation, he mostly rathered be left alone.

Maybe it was because he grew up having trouble making friends and got used to being by himself, who knows. One thing was for sure, one of his most favourite places to be at, was the library.

He was a bit of a bookworm, but even if he hadn't been one, the calm atmosphere and the relaxing smell of books always put him at ease and he loved to just dwell among books.

Today was one of those days where he would stay quietly in a far corner of the library. There weren't many people today at this hour which was perfect for him to relax.

He grabbed a book and sat down on one of the couches between alleys of shelves. Reading lines after lines, forgetting about the world around him. No sounds or movements to disturb him the slightest.

He didn't realize he fell asleep until he opened his eyes groggily, laid on his side on the small couch. He noticed the book he was reading was neatly put next to him, marked where he left off with a cute colorful bookmark. But what struck him the most was that he was covered with a soft blanket.

When he looked up, he saw a beautiful figure not so far from him, sorting books in and out of their shelves. Kakyoin let out a deep, tired breath and rubbed his eyes as he sat up slowly and the H/C haired female noticed his movements.

She turned her head towards him and smiled "Oh, you're finally awake! Did you sleep well?" Her voice was so soft and airy it gave tingles to the boy.

"What... What time is it...?" Kakyoin hoarsed, confused. Falling asleep unexpectedly and out of his home disoriented him greatly and he completely lost track of time.

"It's almost 7 p.m." She replied, "10 to 7, to be exact. I didn't want to wake you up."

Kakyoin's eyes widened. Was it already that late?
He chuckled a little bit awkwardly after calming down from his surprise, embarrassed to have fallen asleep in front of the cute librarian lady that was you.

"Ahah... I must have been more tired than I thought..." He ran a hand through his ruby hair, looking down at the floor with bagged eyes.

You hummed softly while continuing placing the books in your arms. "I understand. It's okay though, It's pretty quiet here, the ambiance makes me feel sleepy too, sometimes." You sheepishly added and the boy thought you were absolutely endearing.

Kakyoin was still a little bit sore. Sometimes taking even a small nap can feel like a century-old slumber. He groaned and sighed heavily as he buried his face in his hands, eyes shut tightly, trying to wake himself up fully and regain some energy.

You noticed his fatigued state and walked up to him silently, crouching in front of the tired male. You put a delicate hand on his knee and leaned in slightly to catch a look at his face.

"Are you okay?" You uttered with worry. "Tell me if you don't feel good, I can bring you some water, or something." He lifted his face from his hands and stared at you.

From this close, you were so beautiful or rather, even more beautiful. If he didn't notice before, now he had a clear view of your dolly face. Your skin looked smooth like silk, your lips were pigmented and glossy like cherries, and your feminine eyes were so full of curiosity and concern. He felt bad for worrying you.

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