SDC - Periods

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Stupid prompt I thought would be funny lol. Enjoy!


Being the only girl in the crusaders was really something. It was fun to be with the boys, and they never treated you bad or underestimated your abilities because you were a woman. In fact, they respected you a lot which you appreciated.

You always felt safe with them and knew you could trust them and count on them. But of course, there were some times and some matters that were hardly discussable with the group.

If you had any sensitive matters to talk about, you'd rather go find Joseph or Abdol since they were the most mature of the group and the most likely to understand your concerns. Especially Joseph, as he was a father, after all.

Today was one of those days sadly. The days were you had to deal with feminine problems.

That's right. Periods.

Everyone was a little bit on edge since a stand user could be attacking at any time. Even if it was a perfect time and place for a little bit of sightseeing, you couldn't let your guards down.

You were all walking around the streets, directing yourselves towards the nearest hotel when you started to feel cramps.

At first it wasn't pain, just an unpleasant feeling in your lower region, basically your uterus signaling you that it was time. You ignored it as it was tolerable. But then ten minutes passed, and the feeling grew into slight pain which made you scrunch your face and grunt a little.

'Jeez, not now. We're almost at the hotel, hold on.' you thought to yourself, trying to control the situation.

But it just got worse with every passing minute until you started to have a hard time walking and breathing. You put your hands over your stomach and slowed down a little.

"A-aah..." you moaned in pain. The boys noticed and turned to look at you and stopped in their tracks.

They looked at you concerned, but before any of them could ask you what was wrong, a sharp, piercing pain suddenly shot through your core, like you were being stabbed.

"Aaarghhh...!" You cried very suddenly. You clenched at your stomach and bent forward trying to suppress the agonizing pain.

"Hey Y/N are you okay??" Polnareff asked panicking. Abdol instantly grabbed your shoulders, afraid that you might collapse.

"What's wrong Y/N? Are you hurt?!" Kakyoin checked on you for potential injuries.

"Could it be... A stand user?" Jotaro looked around, scanning the area for a potential suspect passing by who might have sneak-attacked you.

This is exactly what you wanted to avoid. You were in too much pain to walk properly, but you also wanted them to stop worrying and just go since there was no danger.

"I-I'm fine guys let's jus-uughh!" you tried to argue but got cut off by another wave of pain that caused you to start shaking.

Joseph started to understand what was going on and suggested they just continued to the hotel and he would carry you. But Jotaro, Kakyoin and Polnareff were confident at this point, that your pain was caused by a potential underling of Dio.

"No Mr. Joestar, if someone has the ability to attack without us seeing them, they have to be dealt with as soon as possible!" Kakyoin told Joseph with blind determination.

Jotaro already got Star Platinum out and was ready to beat the crap out of any passerby for information while Polnareff was glaring daggers into the distance.

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