Steely Dan - Forget

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It hurts me that Steely Dan has the same voice actor as Kaname from Vampire knight, can you believe it?


Before you and the crusaders got to Pakistan, you were separated from the rest of them. You made an arrangement to meet together there as you needed to do something about Enya.

By the time you all rejoined, none of them knew that you already met with Steely Dan without knowing that he was at Dio's service. You walked alone in the streets, hoping to see them by chance.

"Ah they sell Kebabs here! How nostalgic!" You exclaimed to yourself, approaching a street food stall.

"Assalam aleykum Miss! What is a beautiful foreigner doing here all alone?" The merchant greeted you with a big smile.

"Aleykum salam. I'm waiting for my friends, we planned to reunite at a hotel here." You told him honestly and he grinned, revealing his face to you.

Your eyes widened at how handsome he was. His vermillion eyes struck you the most. Were all men this beautiful in this country?

"Oh really? Well it's just your luck, I can show you around and take you there, if you want." He charmingly offered his hand out to you. "I wonder if your friends are as cute as you."

You blushed and giggled a bit as his compliment and took his big hand in yours timidly.

"It would be nice! And I don't know about their cuteness, but my friends are definitely handsome." he laughed along with you and he wrapped your hand around his arm as he escorted you around town.

The man, who introduced himself as Steely Dan, was actually of very good compagny. He was funny and nice to you, didn't show any red flags and even offered you some local treats.

You weren't scared of being alone with a stranger as you trusted your stand and your fighting skills. But it turned out to be a pleasant moment with him. You were quite charmed by the man.

You both stopped in front of the hotel you were looking for and told him you would rest for a bit.

"Of course Y/N, rest well. Let's meet again later on, okay? I have a lot more to show you~" he grinned at you while taking out a reddish-orange flower that matched his eyes perfectly.

Your heart skipped a beat and you blushed, taking the flower in your hand.

"Sure! See you later, Steely Dan." You said in a daze, then waved and went inside.

He sighed in delight at your delicious tone and how his name rolled out of your tongue.
He couldn't wait.

When he went back, he finally met with the crusaders that were with his colleague Enya.
His mission started and was going great so far. He had Jotaro obeying him and serving his every need. This was just perfect. He planned on making the most out of it.

They walked around for a while, checking many shops, restaurants and whatnot, Steely Dan forcing a horrible or humiliating task on Jotaro each time.

"Come Jotaro. I'm looking for that one girl I met earlier, you're going to help me get a shot with her." Jotaro couldn't say anything, of course.

"You should see her, she was so cute but she got that ass that just makes you want to..." he finished his phrase by making a grabbing gesture with his hands. "... You know?"

The blue eyed boy clicked his tongue. Could that guy get even more disgusting and annoying?

After a few moments, they saw you walk in front of them, a few meters away. Jotaro tensed up as he recognized you.

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