Jotaro - Nurse

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That was inspired by another fanfiction where Y/N is the nurse assistant. I loved the idea, but sadly it wasn't exploited enough. Credit to @peachbois for the concept.

This is one of my oldest fics, so it's pretty wonky and uhh not that well written. But don't worry, fics will get better with time.


"Here you go. Please call me if the pain doesn't fade away, okay?" You said gently as you put a heating pad over some girl's stomach.

"Aah, thank you Y/N-chan~ I wish you were here everytime I'm on my periods." the girl chuckled tiredly and you only smiled back as you tucked her in with a blanket.

"Huh? Ryunosuke, did you get in trouble again?" You turned around upon hearing someone knocking on the door quietly. It was an odd time to get a patient.

"Aah y-yes um... I-I lost my glasses a-and uh... I haha... I fell down the stairs... I c-can't see anything without m-my glasses... I'm- I'm so sorry to bother you!"

Your very shy classmate stuttered and blushed with embarassment while showing you his numerous bruises and the bump on his head.

"Clumsy as usual." You chuckled a bit. "Sit down, I'll take care of you." You walked off to get some material to treat him as he obliged and thanked you profiusely.

"You're good." You removed the blood pressure cuff from a brunette's arm that was brought to you by her classmates one day. "But please watch out your anemia. We can't have you fainting every time you have P.E. classes, alright?"

"Thank you so much! I-I forgot to eat this morning!" the small girl exclaimed bashfully and you went to give her a chocolate bar.

"Really, Nagamine-senpai..." You scolded another day, as you patched up the upperclassman in front of you. "You should stop getting into fights like that!"

"Yeaaaah I know, but I don't care, if that means I get to see your cute face~ Owowowow!" He teased until you put alcohol in his cuts.

"It would hurt less if you didn't pick fights in the first place." You inquired and he pouted with a little blush.

Those were your daily interactions with other students. In high school you applied for the position of nurse's assistant.

It was something that you had planned for years, as you always knew you wanted to become a doctor someday, and you worked very hard everyday to accomplish this dream of yours.

When the nurse wasn't there, you were assigned the task of helping students as long as nothing major happened. You also had to assist her whenever she needed, and took care of files and other boring administrative papers. Which you didn't mind at all as it was also part of the job.

You would often see familiar faces, and sometimes meet with new students. The overall interactions went well with everyone and people seemed to be happy to have someone their age in the nurse's office.

Especially if they needed to talk about more or less sensitive or personnal things that they weren't comfortable speaking about with an adult.

Among the many faces you would see all too often was the one and only Jotaro Kujo, which was nice since you really liked the stone cold boy. But at the same time, it was worrying since you never want to see someone in a place like the nurse's office on a regular basis.

Jotaro on the other hand, also appreciated your company a lot, even if he never showed it. He liked that calm demeanor you had, your presence was very soothing to him.

To his and your dismay, the nurse's office was the only place where he could see you, since you weren't in the same class and had very different schedules.

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