Secco - Good Boy

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Somebody asked for Secco lol Enjoy your weirdo.

Trigger warning: It gets a little steamy 👀 close your eyes kids.


You were part of La Unita Speciale, a division that was not exactly the best perceived in Passione, for the quite unique people that composed it.

Cioccolata, as cruel as he was, never had any sort of problem with you, if anything, you both managed to work in cooperation very well. He actually had what you can only call a bit of a soft spot for you after you treated his little Secco with the upmost love and care.

I mean, it would make sense to appreciate the people who appreciate your pets, right?

On the other hand, the puppy boy in question was extremely fond of you and your endless love ministrations and praises, and you couldn't deny that the duo snatched you a hearty laugh everyday.

Even the rest of the team accepted you right to their arms, the assassins, Tiziano and Squalo were sweet towards you and you got along pretty well with the couple as well as the very solitary Carne, the one who showed you the ropes.

Of all the members, one would consider you to be the most 'normal', but again, there's no such thing as normal in a group like this one, especially when you felt so much at home with them.

Rather, you were maybe the softest of them all, even if that gentleness you had was known in the syndicate to be just as, if not more, terrifying than Cioccolata's sadistic outbursts.

After all, who would possibly want to be dismembered and tortured by the seemingly sweet and caring girl that always spoke with a voice of velvet?

The same girl that you first see when you open your eyes, tied up and unable to move on a surgery table. The one you foolishly believe would save you, remove your restraints, and lead you to the exit as she tells you that 'everything will be okay".

Who wants to be betrayed by a false sense of motherly comfort? Not your victims, at least.

You still remembered how it all started. Funny how you originally were one of Cioccolata's own victims at first. But as you woke up dizzily to see his strange assistant in a body suit, his camera right in your face, you could only smile at his widening and panicking eyes.

The doctor was outraged that you woke up so soon, before he even started cutting your guts wide open, but as he turned around and saw you, one hand untied and petting the boy vigorously while babbling 'Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?' in a baby voice, he had to pause questionningly for a while.

He wondered if it was the effect of the anesthetics that was meddling with your brain, or if you were usually just... Like that... Like them.

You didn't even freak out at your position and barely showed any concern to Secco's canine behavior.
If anything, you looked like you were having a ball, eager to see what purpose all the tools around you were about to serve.

He wanted to believe you were just brain fogged by the chemical, but seeing his good boy excitedly jumping around you and probably messing the video he was taking, he couldn't resolve himself to just continue on with his plan just yet.

Cioccolata had at the time, told himself he'd keep you and observe you a little bit, studying your behaviors before he decided if he wanted to kill you or not.

But what firstly was an observation case with you as specimen, ended up in you joining the gang and proving yourself to be quite the talented and ruthless 'sweet nurse' you now were.

You were currently cleaning some tools and weapons peacefully while humming some tunes. It was a rather calm day and the easy cleaning of stainless steel was therapeutic for you.

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