Dio - Silence

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It was a late afternoon in the country side, Dio was taking a stroll to calm down his nerves, still thinking about his earlier altercation with his adoptive brother, Jonathan.

Him and Jojo got into yet another fight, and when Dio thought he could teach him a lesson, the Joestar heir proved himself to be much stronger and determined than he was. And this pissed Dio off greatly. His stomach and jaw still hurt from the hard punches and kicks he received.

"Tch! That Jojo!! How dare you humiliate me like this..." He growled in deep frustration.

The blonde huffed, punching a nearby tree, getting angrier and angrier by the second, the more he thought about it, the worse he felt.

"I'm not going down so easily, believe me Jojo... First was your girlfriend, then your dog, next in line will be your father, I won't hesitate... You damn wimp, I won't stop until I make you cry tears of bloo-"

He immediately cut himself off after hearing a creak, like someone stepped on a dried leaf. Dio abruptly turned around, tensing up, but saw nobody as he did.

"Who's there? Show yourself before I find you!" He called out, warning and threat tainting his voice.

He was greeted by a deafening silence, which added even more to his current rising anxiety. His patience was already running low, and now of all time, he didn't want anyone to spy on him.

"I swear If you don't come out now I'll make you regret even stepping outside in the first place!"

Not even a second before he finished his sentence, he saw a H/C haired figure darting away from behind a tree, and, without a second thought, Dio sprinted after her. He of course, was way faster, and easily gained on the girl who was running for dear life.

He swiftly grabbed her arm and pulled her against his chest, locking his strong arms around her smaller frame to prevent her from slipping away.

The young girl yelped in surprise and started thrashing around in his hold, desperately trying to free herself.

She was panting heavily, both from running and from fright of what he would do to her. She struggled and squirmed against him, but his hold on her was like steel and he barely budged. He pinned her wrists against her own chest, caging her.

"Stop moving, you damn woman." He grunted, tired of her useless fight.

"L-let me go or I'll scream!" She cried in a fit of panic.

"Then do. Knock yourself out. See what good it does you."

He only squeezed her more against him in response and she gave up struggling as she was already exhausted from running. She was so scared and desperate, tears threatened to well up in her eyes and she sobbed quietly through heavy breaths.
As Dio thought she would finally cooperate she let out a shrilling scream.

"HELP!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME! I'M BEING RAP-HMMPHH!!" The male covered her mouth before she could finish her incriminating sentence.

"Shut up or I'm really raping you." He sharply hissed against her ear and she flinched at his, way too serious to be messed with, tone.

The girl then calmed down, hoping the strong and crazy man behind her would release her as she couldn't breathe and was uncomfortably pressed against his solid chest.

He however kept her there, only removing his hand from her mouth carefully, trusting her to not scream again, and fortunately for him, she didn't. She only panted, trying to calm herself down a little. Before she could ask him anything, he beat her to it.

"What did you hear?" He asked leaning over her shoulder to stare at her intimidatingly.

She looked down, avoiding his sharp vermilion gaze. In this state, emprisonned in his arms and defenseless, she could only answer the honest truth.

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