Jotaro - Eyedrops

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This was inspired by the scene from Lucky Star where Miyuki has to put on eyedrops, but she can't do it herself (girl same, how is it even possible to keep your eyes open smh).
Not really original lol but enjoy!


Some time during your crusade, you and the boys all stayed at a hotel, as you do.

Traveling from country to country and changing climates often kind of sensitized your eyes, so you had to put on some eye drops.

Only, you were one of those people who couldn't do it. You just couldn't manage to control your blinking reflexes. How did people even do it? Everytime you tried, it felt like you were being tortured or something.

As you were all relaxing in the huge lobby of the hotel, Jotaro and Kakyoin walked by you, a few feet away, and witnessed the rather cute scene of you desperately trying to put on the eye drops, and failing miserably.

"Come on Y/N you can do it." you mumbled to yourself to give you some courage.

You leaned your head backwards and widened your eyes as you held the vial upside down above your eyes shakily. The moment the medecinal drop fell you instinctively shut your eyes, wetting your lashes and lids, yet again.

You let out a soft whine of deception and straightened yourself. The boys watching were amused with a snickering Kakyoin and a slightly smiling Jotaro. They felt a bit sympathetic towards you.

"Poor Y/N, we should help her." proposed Kakyoin as Jotaro agreed silently by approaching you where you were sitting on a couch in front of a coffee table.

"Hey Y/N, what's wrong? Having trouble putting on eyedrops?" said Kakyoin a little bit teasing you. You just sighed in defeat and slumped your shoulders.

"Yes... " you said a bit ashamed of yourself.

"Want some help?" Jotaro inquired softly, which surprised both you and Kakyoin. There was some rare times where Jotaro would show his kindness without acting too cold about it. Grateful for his offer you accepted.

"Ah, thank you Jojo!"

"Lay down"

Right now you were sat on the coffee table, with your back facing Jotaro while himself sat on the floor at the edge of the table, like a doctor ready to butcher his patient. Kakyoin was sitting in one of the couches near you, watching expectantly.

"O-okay..." you said hesitantly as you laid down, feeling completely vulnerable.

Funny how a strong stand user like you could suddenly become helpless facing the evil power of eye drops.

You were directly facing Jotaro as he hovered above you a bit. You were already tensing up. He held the vial above your eyes.

"Relax, Y/N." His voice was smooth and deep, but for some reason that did NOT help you relax at all.

You just laid there with your hands neatly put over your stomach and with your knees clenched together and legs shaking. You weren't scared, -or maybe a little bit- just extremely nervous.

It felt like you were waiting for the dentist and his drill on the operating table. The pressure was unbearable, and you tried your best to not show it, but failed. Kakyoin noticed this and was almost worried about you.

You could only nod and wait for him to pull the trigger on that damn vial.
He eventually did, but at the last second you turned your head to the right while squeaking, letting the droplet glide along your cheek.

Jotaro growled a little and you felt sorry for bothering him. He suddenly put his free hand on your right cheek to firmly keep your head in place.
His big hand felt so warm you lifted your hands a little bit, instinctively wanting to grab it, but stopped yourself.

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