Jotaro - Fanletters

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Little weird prompt Inspired by @wryyydiculous.
I love their writing so much, truly an inspiration to me. Enjoy~


You and the infamous Jotaro were pretty close friends. It was really a weird friendship, but it worked out well. You knew each other from elementary school and lived 2 blocks away from each other. Your parents were nicely acquainted as well.

You basically grew up together. Overtime, you learned to manage his edgy nature and embrace his odd gestures of kindness while he learned to tolerate your eccentrism and appreciate your patience towards him.

In any other circumstances, you both would have never even been friends, but fate worked like that sometimes. You wouldn't trade Jotaro for anything in the world and he wouldn't let anyone think of even touching you.

Of course, everybody at school knew about the Jojo-Y/N duo. Everybody wondered how a girl like Y/N managed to get to the stone cold Jojo, and how a guy like Jojo could even bear the presence of the freaky Y/N.

Some were jealous, some were excited, and some were completely indifferent to the chemistry of the two.

And between some jealous fangirls stood some who wanted to take advantage of your accessibility to pass some messages, letters, gifts and many more to the lady-killer Jojo.

It has become a habit for you now, you didn't really mind, even if it could be bothersome sometimes. It was actually pretty entertaining for you.
You were the person who received the most love letters at school, with your shoe locker and desk always filled to the brim, too bad they weren't from your fervant admirers, but Jotaro's.

You would usually just take the love letters to him but you always got the same response of denial. Telling you to just throw them away or whatever. But you would always try and convince him to read some of them with you, since 'it could be fun'.

"Yooo Jojo that one is wild look at that! Ewwww! Would you even do that to a woman? No that's straight up EVIL!" you showed him the letter as he was laying on his bed and you were sat at his desk.

"Yare yare daze... I don't want to see it" he huffed, not wanting to deal with yet another cringy lustful confession.

You two would spend some afternoons like this. Sometimes you felt like his personal assistant sorting out his mailbox or something.

One day was very special though.

At the end of one school day, you were assigned in cleaning duty. After cleaning with the other assigned students, you stayed a bit later to empty your shoe locker and desk which took forever. Everyone was gone by now and you were heading back to the classroom to get your bag and finally call it a day.

You got the lockers and opened yours to get your shoes but found one single letter left there.

"Oh? I forgot one... I was sure I got everything... Did someone just put it in? Eh whatever."

You took the letter, put on your shoes and decided you'll pass by Jotaro's house to give him the letter, even if you knew he couldn't care less about it.

"What do you want?" he grunted, but opened the door wide to let you in. The duality of the guy.

"Oh nothing important, just this." you handed the pastel pink enveloppe. "It sat in my locker, alone and afraid." you joked.

Jotaro reluctantly took the letter in his hand. He was ready to just tell you off and shoving it back into your face, but then he noticed what was written on the other side of the enveloppe.

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