Trish - Sister Figure

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Trish x Female reader because babygirl needs feminine compagny.



Trish came in or more like burst into the hideout in a hurry, almost panicking as she pressed her arms firmly against her chest.

"Oh hi Trish! Wassup!" Narancia called as he noticed her and Fugo followed with a lazy wave.

"Welcome back." Bruno greeted her with a smile.

Abbachio barely glanced up, Giorno looked at her curiously and Mista turned around on the couch to look up at her.

"W-where is Y/N?" Trish's face was strained and she squirmed under their insistant glances.

This was really the worst timing for everyone to be just there, all noticing her arrival. Just her luck.

"What's wrong? You look uncomfortable." Bruno noticed her unease and she looked away, her arms not leaving their place against her chest.

"Where is Y/N?" She insisted, almost breathless with rising anxiety.

"Come on, come join us! There's cake!" Mista invited with a casual gesture.

"GUYS!" She snapped and the boys flinched, "WHERE THE FUCK IS Y/N?!"

"I'm here!" Your voice called in the distance upon hearing the commotion

You walked in from the kitchen while quickly wiping your hands on a towel, your appearance immediately brightening Trish's face. You hurried towards her and she relaxed, sighing in relief.

"What's wrong Trish? Are you okay?" You asked worriedly as you approached the pink haired girl, bringing a gentle hand to her face and the other on her bare shoulder, checking on her, your big sister instincts kicking in.


She wanted to speak, but before she could lose herself in your soft worried gaze, she glanced at the boys who were watching the scene with nosy curiosity. For some reason, the gang was really into you girls' dynamics.

"... Can we go to the bedroom...?" She muttered a bit above a whisper, but the room was already so dead silent that some of the boys in the gang still heard.

You nodded at her in understanding. "Of course, let's go." You put one hand around her shoulder and guided her to your bedroom.

As you were both out of sight, Mista sat back straight and looked at his comrade with a teasing and quite amused look on his face.

"Oouuhhhh did you guys hear that??" He boasted and Giorno glared at his friend in disappointement.

...Really Mista?

"What? No? What did she say???" Narancia leaned forward, his giddy curiousity taking the wheel.

Fugo deadpanned at the overly excited boy beside him. "She said something like 'let's take it to the bedroom', or whatever. What of it?"

Mista covered his mouth as he snorted uncontrollably and Narancia's eyes widened like saucers as his mouth formed an 'O' shape.

"Hohohohoho some people are gonna get freeeaaa-kyyyyy~" Narancia sang obnoxiously.

"That's stupid. You guys are a bunch of dumbasses, they're just going to do girly shit or whatever, none of your dirty businesses." Abbachio clicked his tongue, trying to talk some sense into their empty brains.

"But like... Wouldn't that be hot? Like... Two girls... Doing... Ya know..." Mista said trailing off, a slight blush dusting his cheeks, almost hesitant to admit his own thoughts to the public.

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