Kakyoin - Your Highness

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Prince Kakyoin x Fem!Knight Reader

Thanks to @kookiraniiii on IG for letting me use her STUNNING art of Prince Kakyoin. It's beyond gorgeous.

Lengthy as shit. Enjoy~


In the eastern lands of Cerasus rules a magnificent King alongside his Queen.

They both had a darling child whose fate was to take the throne, marry a woman of his rank, establishing diplomatic alliances, and rule over the peaceful land.

That was what was written for him, but the young man had his mind set elsewhere.

In all of his years as a prince, he grew to fall in love with his personnal body guard, Y/N L/N.

Although forbidden, he couldn't help but think of her night and day, from the moment she swore eternal loyalty to him, and as she fought everyday for his safety, braving danger and dirtying herself so he could stay immaculate.

You were so beautiful in his eyes, no women of the court could compete with the raging fire in your eyes or the preciousness in your rare smiles. He couldn't care less for artificial beauty, frilly dresses and mondanities when you occupied his mind.

He sighed as he reminisced the little interactions you both had, glancing at each other across the throne room and how you both would 'negociate' to have you escort him here and there instead of another knight until they upgraded you to be his personnal body guard.

His mind raced again with thoughts of her as he daydreamed his way to his wide windows.

As Kakyoin looked out the large balcony, his eyes drifted from the colorful gardens to the stable where he saw you tending to your horse. He smiled softly and decided it wouldn't hurt to sneak out a little bit and come see you.

The red head arrived silently towards you. Not noticing his presence, you continued to feed and pet your mare.

"Not so fast, Athena!" You chuckled to her as she was munching on a carrot and Kakyoin relished in your bubbly laugh.

"Hello, Y/N." He greeted and you flinched at his deep yet soft voice as you turned around and saw him.

You froze for a milisecond before immediately scrambling on one knee, bowing your head and bringing a hand to your heart.

"Your Highness."

"Please Y/N, you don't have to do this. It's only me." He reassured with a gentle smile as you slowly got up from your bowed position.

You looked up at his violet eyes, then searched behind him as to check if he was alone, which he was.

"What brings you down here? Shouldn't you be in your chambers?" He rolled his eyes in answer which amused you.

"Each opportunity there is to flee my chambers, I take. I am bored beyond words."

"Hmm..." You tugged slightly at your mare's reigns. "Shall I take you for a joy ride, my prince?"

Your teasing voice and eyes made his heart skip three beats as he tried his best to not furiously nod his head in excitement like a small child on Christmas day.

"Okay. Hop on, please." You guided the very tall male towards Athena and helped him mount her.

You made sure Kakyoin was nicely secured and then gripped the reigns of your mare again, getting her to a walk through the gardens.

"Y/N," You hummed in reply, "Won't you get in trouble for this?"

"It's okay, I'm on my day off."

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