Dio - Drive

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I was inspired by that infamous car scene.
Dio really out there entering random people's cars. Rude.


What a horrible day.

You walked, your shoulders and legs heavy with exhaustion. It was barely the middle of the week and you were already wanting to give up. Maybe you shouldn't have taken such a stressful job in the capital in the first place.

You only wished for one reason, one that would push you to flee this life. Just one event, anything to take you out of that grey routine. Something that would prompt you to give everything up. Anything, even if it was painful, or scary.

Just one sign, one occurrence. Anything.

"Young lady."

You lazily glanced behind you at the deep voice seemingly calling out to you. It was an insanely tall and strongly built blonde man. Surely, those kinds of men were nothing common, especially in Egypt and you couldn't help but flinch the slightest bit at his imposing appearance.

"Yes...?" You tried hesitantly, trying your best to not sound rude. "Did you call me?"

With a small smirk, he slowly approached you, his red cloak gracefully following his movements. He seemed to grow bigger by the second, towering over your smaller frame. You gulped and observed him. Hopefully he just looked scary, but was harmless, like most big men.

"This car... I couldn't help but notice it react as you came closer to it." He observed, near impressed. "Is it perhaps yours?"

Your brows furrowed slightly. What a strange speech he had. Could he not just say he saw you unlock it? You brushed it off as a foreigner-type incidence. He sure didn't look like he was from the area anyways.

"Uhm, it is! Did something happen? Are you okay?" His question put you off slightly and it dawned on you that maybe he asked because something may have happened to your vehicle. You subconsciously scanned your car, checking for any trace of an accident.

You sure hoped he didn't ram into your car or anything, that would just be the icing on the cake after such a horrid and stressful day.

You didn't want to bother filing obnoxious paperwork, but most importantly, you hoped the man was okay and not hurt in any way.

Well he seemed fine, but you knew how crazy people could be in the capital, going bonkers over the smallest accident, claiming they were hurt to the point of being hospitalized even though they barely scraped themselves just to grind that sweet insurance money.

"Excellent. Get in." The man ordered dryly, his smirk not faltering as he got a bit too close to you for comfort.

Your breath hitched as your attention dropped to him and him only, your thoughts suddenly empty. "E-excuse me?!"

His expression fell. His patience was running low. Boy, were you the uncooperative type.

Dio, as it was his name, forcefully grabbed your arm and you yelped in fright, his clawed and huge hand bruising your already tired and much weaker arm.

"Wh-what are you doing??! Let me go!!! LET ME GO!!!" You screamed in sheer panick and thrashed around, trying to get the frightening man away from you. What the hell was wrong with him?

Fortunately for you, the city of Cairo was bustling at this hour of the evening and the commotion was not getting unnoticed by the many men and women walking by.

"Hey! You! What do you think you're doing to this woman?!" Some man intervened and scolded after Dio, sympathetic of your poor situation and unable to stay indifferent to you being manhandled. "Let go of her, man!"

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