Abdul - Real

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This contains major spoilers for Part 3: Judgement chapters/episodes.



After landing on a seemingly deserted Island with everyone else and meeting with a very mysterious old man, Polnareff went out suddenly and disappeared by the end of the day.

You walked towards the beach where you all disembarked as the sun was setting, looking desperately for your lost French friend.

"Poooolll'! Polnareff?? J-P!!!" You called out, only to be greeted by silence and by the white sound of the waves gently hitting the shore. "Where the hell is he...?"

You kept walking and walking along the seemingly endless coast, searching worriedly until the sky slowly blackened.

You started to become scared that something might have happened to him, knowing how he was easily targetted by enemies and also pretty reckless. But before you could even keep these thoughts in mind, a deep raspy voice called out, startling you out of your mind.

"Ah Y/N, here you are! Finally." Joseph approached you as you were sitting tiredly on some rock. "Come back, you must be hungry."

He placed a reassuring hand on your back to usher you to your feet, but you looked up at him worriedly. "But... Polnareff-"

"Don't worry about him, he's a big boy." He dismissed with a big grin. "Now come, there's someone I need to show you."

You furrowed your eyebrows at him, but still got up and followed him. Someone? Was he talking about Mr. Abdul? But he made it clear he didn't want to have anything to do with any of you. So why?

With a lot of confusion from your end, Joseph lead you straight to where the old man lived. All of this really put you off, and you knew that Polnareff, wherever he was, felt the same as you.

You really wanted to find him and talk it out. You were friends after all, and you both were the most affected by the dreadful incident with Hol Horse and J.Geil.

Everything was so disorienting. Polnareff blamed himself for Abdul's death, and everyone knew how close you had gotten to the Egyptian, what you two felt for each other and how his death devastated you.

"You know Mr. Joestar... When we saw Muhammad's father earlier..." You started hesitantly as you looked down and the old man cut you off.

"Stop thinking Y/N, you're only hurting yourself. Here, wait for me and don't move, I'll be right back."

He left you at the clearance where you met with the old man living on the island. You looked around the silent space and the seemingly empty cabin.

Strange. Why did he leave you all alone? You at least expected to see Kakyoin and Jotaro, but no one was there.

Trusting Joseph, you did as you were told and waited. You waited the longest five minutes in your life and still no one showed up. What was he doing?

Tired of waiting, you decided to walk around and picked up some flowers from nearby bushes. You smiled to yourself as you observed their exotic designs and colors. They were beautiful and so much more different than what you used to see in your home country.

Completely enamored by the flowers, you didn't even notice the bulky presence that stealthily sneaked behind you.

"...You're still sensitive to the beauties of nature, I see."

You jumped and flinched at the sudden sound of a strong and deep voice so close to your ear. That voice... No way.

In sheer disbelief, you slowly turned around, eyes wide as saucers, you basically expected to see a ghost behind you.

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