Polnareff - Cop

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Polnareff x cop reader *kevin hart voice* iss about to go down


The crusaders were pursuing their difficult trip, driving on a bumpy mountain road with seemingly no obstacles or enemy stands to throw a wrench in their works. Overall the drive was safe, except for the fact that today, Polnareff was the driver to everyone's dismay.

Joseph was sitting in the passenger's seat next to Polnareff and Kakyoin, Abdol and Jotaro were in the back, all suffering his poor driving skills and the violent jerking of the car.

"Polnareff, slow down! You're gonna get us killed!" yelled Joseph.

"Why are you even driving like that, have you even seen the road?" Abdol added, scolding.

"Shut up! I know what I'm doing!"

As he said that and as if on cue, the boys heard a police siren going off and the fair haired man saw the red and blue headlights behind him through the rearview mirror.

"Et merde..." he cursed in his mother tongue as he pulled over and stopped.

"See? Now the police are there, you're so irresponsible sometimes!" Joseph puffed annoyed at the unnecessary commotion.

"Come on give me a break." He then heard a frantic knock on the window and started rolling it down.

"Yeah yeah, I fucking heard yo- ooh Hi~" He started frustrated but his entire tone shifted as the opened window revealed the figure of a beautiful H/C haired lady in front of him.

"Hello gentlemen." you glanced at the passengers as they greeted you back before looking back at the driver. "Sir, I assume you know why I pulled you over?"

You spoke clear and professional, but to Polnareff, your voice was extremely sexy and his blood was boiling by the second.

"No, but please do tell me~" He said seductively before being nudged by Joseph who clearly didn't want trouble with the police now of all times.

You sighed and leaned your forearm over the top of the window frame, a simple gesture that sparked his insides, as he now had a towering view of your enticing curves.

Were they allowed to hire such sexy women in the police force?

"Speeding, sir. This road is 50km/h, you are 40km/h over the limit. You do know what that means, right?"

Joseph was almost fuming and Abdol face palmed. Kakyoin wanted to say something, to maybe defuse the situation, but decided it was best to stay silent for now.

Polnareff gulped and tried to smooth talk you out of trouble.

"Listen lady, you see, me and my buddies over here, we're not from the area, we're having a hard time with our trip and stuff..." he trailed off and your patience was running low as you sighed again.

You were used to the same excuses all the time. If it were just you, you would let them go with a little bit of lecturing on safety driving. But you had to do your job and 40km/h was an excessive fault.

"Turn off the engine." He obeyed, almost frantically. "Driver's license and registration, please."

Polnareff complied again. He didn't want his mind racing with dirty thoughts of you, but he couldn't help it. Your demanding tone turned him on badly and the man could never resist a beautiful woman in uniform.

You checked his papers and fortunately for him everything was correct and in good order. Polnareff looked calm, but he was sweating bullets and Joseph was waiting impatiently, judging his friend silently.

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