Jotaro - Lonely

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The bell rang, signaling the end of morning classes. You gathered your things, and took your bento with you as you were heading out of the classroom. Some of your female classmates called out to you.

"Hey Y/N! You come eat with us?"

"Ah, not today, sorry! I'm eating with someone else." you said to your friends sheepishly.

They came closer to you to not raise their voice and attract attention to their next words, as they may provoke some crazy fangirls.

"Are you eating with Jojo again?" the first one dead panned.

"Jeez, I really don't get what you see in him. I mean he's hot, but that's it." the other added.

"Yeah, he's an asshole, and violent too, and knowing you, you wouldn't even hang with a guy like that even if he was Mr. Worldwide Handsome."

You frowned at their words. You liked these girls a lot and they usually were sweethearts, but you hated when they acted like that. Disrespectful and judgmental.

"Hey, if you hate him that's on you, but please don't disrespect him to my face..." you said softly but sternly. Seeing the upset look on your face, they felt bad.

"I'm sorry Y/N, but really, we don't understand what you like about that guy."

"We're worried about you, you know? What if he does something to you, or gets you in trouble? Did you know he sent Kowasaki-kun to the hospital?"

"And you remember how he told Sayaka-chan off when she confessed to him? She cried for weeks! No respect for women, that guy!"

You understood their concerns, but you started to get tired of all this. You turned to face them properly and snapped.

"How dare you, you don't even know him to judge, maybe if you gave him a chance and tried to actually talk to him face to face, maybe you'll know what's so good about him. He may look intimidating, but he's the nicest guy I've ever met with the purest heart, and he doesn't talk shit about people..."

The girls fell silent, guilt obvious on their faces. You continued on your rant as other students that walked by or entered the classroom, stopped to listen to the whole drama happening.

"Put yourself in his shoes for one sec. If people kept staring at me, followed me all the damn time, spread rumors about me, and started fights with me, I'd want to skip school too and not talk to anyone either. Learn to know people before you make assumptions. And stop cutting him in front of my own two eyes. You damn know he's my friend." you finished with venom in your voice.

You didn't know but this whole time, a very tall edgy boy was waiting outside the classroom, listening to the whole conversation. He had a tiny smile on his lips. He was gone before you could get out of the classroom and notice him.

As you walked away, the people who witnessed the whole scene were astonished by your rant. Some of them also felt guilty, along with your two friends. After all you were right. People kept judging Kujo Jotaro, but who could actually say they knew him? He had a reputation, yes, that's for sure, but nobody actually tried to approach him and check for themselves.

The only ones who tried were thirsty fangirls who only cared for his looks and body, and either ended up hating his harsh personnality, or just got even more turned on by getting insulted by him.

You walked up the stairs, on your way to the rooftop where your tall friend was probably waiting for you. You took a deep breath to calm down your nerves, but you couldn't help the pang of sadness in your heart.

Why were people so mean? To insult Jotaro so freely, only judging the book by its cover, and trying to get you away from him like he was the black plague or something.

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