Ceasar - Cover

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You were a trainee of Lisa Lisa. You've lived with her and Suzie Q for as long as you could remember and you got along very well with the girls. But there was something a little bit special about you.

You would always need to cover up your body. No skin besides your face would show, you always had a hood or a veil covering your hair too.

It was really only just because of religious matters, your ideologies and beliefs made you into a modest person. You could only undress in front of other women. Lisa Lisa and Suzie Q completely understood your lifestyle and even supported you.

It was not like it did any harm to you or others, and also, it actually matched your Hamon fighting style perfectly.
Discreet, stealthy, anonymous, silent, just like the night. Just like you. Fate worked magnificently like that sometimes.

When your mentor told you you would start training with Ceasar Zeppeli and Joseph Joestar, you were a little bit perplexed at first but then thought that there was no reason to fret.

You never met Ceasar before even if he was already Lisa Lisa's apprentice because you both would always train separatedly. But this time, you would officially meet and see each other on the daily. But it was okay for you.

After all, what could possibly go wrong?

Turns out that after many weeks of training, you got along very well with the guys. They didn't question you and your clothing much, and when they did, they were actually very understanding, which you appreciated.

That didn't distract any of you from your goal and training sessions, and they actually were impressed by your strength and Hamon technique.

In the end it didn't matter at all. They saw you for you, and so you were comfortable with them, and felt like you belonged with everyone.

But once went the day where the one thing that you hoped would never happen, happened. You could even call it the worst case scenario.

After a long day of training, you decided to go upstairs to change before you could go back down with everyone and have a debriefing. Lisa Lisa accompagnied you to an empty room.

"You should be able to undress here. Suzie Q must have warned the boys not to disturb you."

"Thank you, Lisa Lisa." You responded gratefully.

She then left and closed the door. You were left alone and removed the mask from your face and neck that you used on training days. The moment you slid the shawl out of your hair, somebody entered the dark room.

You didn't notice him and it seems that he didn't either at first, but when he saw you throw the shawl on the bed it clicked in his mind.

That was you. And you were not wearing your shawl anymore. He could see your actual H/C hair in the dark. If you just turned around...

Something inside him told him to go away. That it was wrong. He knew why you were doing all of this and he had to respect that.
But he left his drive get the better of him. He would regret that later, but he'll worry about it when the time comes.

He approached you slowly and you finally noticed his presence. You turned around, not looking up at first, thinking it was Lisa lisa who came back.

"Did you need anything else Lis-" When you looked up, your eyes met with the tall blonde staring right back at you.

Ceasar couldn't help but stare. Under the moonlight, your features were so clear to him. The look of your H/L hair framing your face perfectly, your plump red lips, your delicate nose completing your sweet visage in a perfect canvas.

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