Jonathan - Danny

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Jonathan Joestar was devastated. His beloved dog and best friend Danny had disappeared for three days now.

When Jonathan went to walk him, Danny got excited over a little squirrel and chased it. But when the teenager ran after his dog, he couldn't find him anywhere. He tried to call his name and searched for hours, but in vain.

The Joestars had put flyers, sent search teams, had the authorities back and Georges Joestar even offered a princely sum to whoever would find the beloved animal. But to no avail.

The young boy was laying down in the grass next to the stream, the place where he would usually hang out with Danny.

"Danny... If you were here, you would comfort me right now..." he trailed off sadly.

The sun was shining and the clouds were dancing in the blue sky, but Jonathan was blind to all of this beauty as his whole world turned grey. He felt lost without his best friend.
He didn't realize the importance of his dog until he lost him.

The sun went down, and it was time for the dark haired male to come back home. As the night came and Jonathan went to bed, he pondered restlessly.

Where was Danny? Was he okay? Was he cold? Or hungry? Did someone find him? Was he in good hands? Was he far? Was he even alive?

Tears prickled in Jonathan's eyes, but he tried to hold them back. He had to be strong and not lose hope just yet. He was determined and will find his dog.

He finally fell into a dreamless slumber as another day without Danny was soon to begin.

The next day, Jonathan woke up and started his routine as usual. He felt empty, but still braved himself to live on his day, animated by the thought of maybe finding Danny today.

Later on in the afternoon, the teenager was coming home from school and, hopeful as he was, decided to walk around and search a bit more before returning home.

He walked to a place a little bit on the further side of his usual track, deciding it wouldn't hurt to check there even if it was unlikely that Danny could be there. He was desperate at this point, so he might as well try any place.

He found himself in a little clearing with a pond next to a small forest, if you could call it a forest, and heard the sound of a girl giggling. The boy got curious and followed the sweet sound.

"Hey! Not so fast little guy! Aww look at you, you're all dirty now!"

Jonathan became even more curious at the happy noises and came up to find a H/C haired girl, seemingly around his age, crouching in front of something.

He didn't say anything as the girl didn't notice him approaching from behind her. He stood still and stared at her from afar.

She then proceeded to cup some water from the pond and wash up the little creature in front of her.

"Here you go, I can't take you back to your owner looking all dirty, now can I?" She spoke softly to the animal, while cleaning it's paws.

The dog barked as if to agree and she chuckled.

"You are very smart..." she looked at the little engraved charm attached to the dog's collar. "...Danny Joestar."

The dog let out a happy 'bork!', recognizing his own name and licked the girl's face.

"Hahaha stop it, it tickles!" she patted the dog's head but was interrupted by a voice.

"Umm, excuse me, miss!" Jonathan called out to her and the girl flinched and abruptly whipped her head around.

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