La Squadra - Periods

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Second fic of the Periods series


Risotto had called the entire team for a meeting and you all sat down at the large table, paying careful attention to what your superior had to say.

It wasn't an unusual occurence. You regularly had meetings like these to discuss future projects, missions and recent updates, but today was particular.

Being the only female in a group of rather unique and atypical assassins was already hard as it was, but now, on that very special day, you could pepper in a little inconvenience that was not so little at all and that would surely spice things up just the way you hated.

That's right. Periods.

You had been with the team long enough to know how to conceal your menstruality and your overall feminity. The less they saw you as a woman, the better you felt and the more seriously they'll take you.

Oh but of course it wasn't that easy. If only it was. Some of the men were fine and courteous, but others just loved to show you how much their brains were located in their pants rather than their heads.

Even pulling out a 'strong warrior' persona didn't seem to faze the likes of Formaggio or Melone, to name only a couple. If anything, you acting difficult only riled them up even more.

You eventually gave up even trying and focused on your own work, not caring about how you appeared in their eyes or their comments. Thankfully your leader was more down to earth than everyone else.

Today was the first day of this months' periods and God forbids, it was just the worst you've experienced in a good minute.

You usually managed to get away with little pain or just sucked it up and went on your day knowing full well it would be better the next day.

But damn, today was NOT a good day for your uterus for some obscure reason.

'What the hell is going on...?' You thought all day, cursing your own insides for being especially harsh on you.

It was exactly the kind of horror pains that could put you in a vegetative state. The kind where you could barely even walk or stand, or even pick an object up from the ground. The ones you'd assimilate the most to what a woman about to give birth must feel like.

You held your stomach as everyone took a seat and you tried your best to show a neutral face. Good thing Ghiaccio was just loud enough to drown your light grunts and pained breaths as you sat down.

Gross. You felt so dilated you had to squirm to sit down without feeling too sensitive. It was that bad. Unfortunately for you, a little somebody noticed.

"Are you okay Y/N? You don't look very good..." Pesci had softly inquired, but it only brought unwanted attention towards you.

"A-ah, I'm fine Pesci, don't worry." You forced a smile at the boy. Good thing it was only him. "Just a tiny bit sore." You assured the rookie but the nosiest men of the group made sure to note that little piece of information for later.

"Okay team. We have a lot to go through today so be very attentive. I won't repeat myself so stop me whenever." Risotto ordered in his growly voice and everyone nodded.

You tried your best to listen to everything as the meeting went on. It would usually be over quicker than it seemed, but of course, today, time seemed to have slowed down at just the right pace to make your agony last as long as possible.

You were always very attentive to your Capo's briefings and never dozed off but the dizzying pain you felt was kicking you just the way to make you want to die on the spot.

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