Ceasar - Prince Harming

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Inspired by a scene from Sakamoto Desu Ga. I affectionate that show so much.







Squeals and shrieks of joy and adoration echoed all throughout the school courtyard as all the girls in the class made space for one specific school heartthrob with blonde hair.

New laws and a wave of progress have washed all over Europe the past few years. Schools were starting to mix girls and boys together for the sake of equality of genders and chances at life. Your school, which was once an all-girls school, had just started hosting boys in.

There were only a handful of them so far, but despite the strict school rules of treating the new boys normally with all due respect and prevent inapropriate behaviors, the girls didn't seem to be able to resist at least one boy's strong charms.

Ceasar Zeppeli. A strong, angel-faced charming young man. His looks could only match his princely persona. Ever the gentleman, yet terrifying if messed up with, his hair of gold, emerald green eyes and ivory skin made him look like some character out of a romance story, or some ancient worshipped greek God.

Needless to say, he was admired all around the school and turned every head that passed by him. Respected by boys and thirsted over by girls.

You were currently in P.E. class, practicing Softball, staying in the sidelines in the far back and waiting for your turn which wouldn't come up in a good minute.

You didn't really get along with anyone in particular in school just yet. The year had started for only a month or so and you knew it would be a matter of time until you got attached to anyone in particular and made a friend, or a group of friends.

Everyone in class seemed nice enough, and you felt neutral about the newly-come males. Ceasar hadn't been any creepy towards you despite his flirty tendencies and even respected your boundaries, which you appreciated. In fact he had been pretty nice to you so far.



You chuckled and shook your head as you were kneeling down to tie your shoelaces. "All those happy cheers... It's most definitely Ceasar's turn."

The praised blonde flirtily looked back at his audience and beamed a dashing smile, radiant like the sun itself.

"Step back ladies. I'm going to throw the ball now, I would hate for any of you beauties to get hurt." He spoke with his voice of velvet and the girls immediately squealed even louder, one even fainting from his pure majesty.

They all obeyed and cheered for him as he prepared to throw the ball with all his might, hoping to score as high as possible.

Alas, the very moment he threw the softball, sending it as far as his biceps permitted, his aim missed just slightly to the left, where you had just finished tying your shoelaces and got up to wipe dust off your sports uniform.

You could hear the voices switching from cheers to screams of horror. But before you could even comprehend what that was all about, you straightened up to look up at the scene, only to be met with the terrifying sight of darkness hitting you so violently and at such speed you were thrown off balance, your mind turning blank and your senses shuffled by the impact.

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