Jotaro - Possessed

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It was a normal day for Y/N and the crusaders. You were all aboard a boat for a day or two to join your destination.

You all decided to reunite at a certain hour to discuss your plan and what to do, but in the mean time, everyone was doing their own things.

Kakyoin and Jotaro were sunbathing in their uniforms, Polnareff was chasing some cute girls to pick up, Abdol and Joseph were getting some light drinks, and you, you were just strolling around the boat, having some time for yourself since it gets tiring being around men all the time.

You were walking along a hallway when you suddenly bumped into someone running around the corner, both of you falling on your backs.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry miss! Are you okay?" said the man while scrambling to get over you and check you out for injuries.

"Ugh... I-I'm fine.." you groaned as you opened your eyes, only to find the face of the man merely inches away from yours. You blushed a bit at the closeness "Um... " you muttered quietly at the man.

"You sure ?" He suddenly put his palm over your forehead, leaning a little bit more "Your face is red, aren't you a little bit sick?"

'Who is this guy??' you thought to yourself, confused at the behavior.

"No, no I'm fine, thank you, can you get off of me now please?" you said quickly, almost in a panic.

"Oh! Of course miss, my bad!" He finally got up and away from you very slowly, almost lingering. "Be careful little lady..."

You almost pushed him out of the way as you got up and hurried away from him, ignoring his last statement.

'Jeez, what is wrong with that guy? Some people are weird, man...' You thought to yourself a bit freaked out as you felt the guy's eyes still on you.

Later during the day, all the Crusaders got together in Abdol and Joseph's cabin to talk about future plans, where to go to next, new discoveries made by Hermit Purple and whatnot.

"So there might be one or more stand users in this very boat. Let's all keep our guards up." inquired Joseph to the group.

"Of course, let's search the ship in groups according to our stands abilities." added Kakyoin.

"I suggest Kakyoin and Polnareff since their stands could team up greatly with a good offense/defense ratio. Mr. Joestar and myself together as well." Abdol said.

"Good idea." said Kakyoin "So that means...." he trailed off, looking at you

"That means I'll team up with Jonathan!"

. . . Silence.

Everyone had a confused look on their faces while Joseph eyes widened like saucers.

You then realized what you said and got horrified.

"Wh- JOTARO! I meant Jotaro!!" You frantically said while putting a hand over your mouth.

No reaction from the men. You started to feel very flustered and added awkwardly.

"I-I don't know why I even said that haha.. I-I don't even know a Jonathan..."

The tension was horrible to bear. No one made a sound. That was weird. You weren't usually one to slip up like that.

"Hahaha... I must be tired haha.." you tried to laugh it off, to lighten the mood, but you could not ignore Joseph's hard stare on you.

As you couldn't take it anymore, so you got up from your seat on one of the beds and went on your way towards the door.

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