Dio - Feed

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I dedicate this one shot to @YoyoTheGeek. Thank you for all your comments, you beautiful person ❤️


Sick. You felt sick.

You were currently laid on your side on the bed you shared with Dio. It was like your body was dying.
You spent your days like this, unable to move, restless and with no strength to do anything.

You only stayed like this, lips and throat dry, skin pale, breath heavy, eyes stinging. From any exterior perspective, it would just look like you had a fever, or a bad case of the flu.

But it wasn't even close to that.

After protesting for so long, Dio turned you into a vampire to live eternity with him. You loved the man, but you didn't want nor were you ready to give up your humanity yet.

You were forced into this new life and you couldn't bear it. No matter what you did or what he told you, you just couldn't feed on humans, as you still felt like you were human yourself.

Vampires couldn't die, or at least, not easily. But depriving themselves of blood stopped the process of regeneration, thus explaining your current state.

You were dying, but you wouldn't die.

Dio did everything he could to make you eat, but everytime he brought someone to feed on, you just couldn't.

He brought men, women, children, criminals, old folks, sick people, dead people, anyone to make you feel better about feeding on humans. But in vain.

The blonde man entered your bedroom and came towards you. He leaned over the bed a put one hand over your covered figure.

"How do you feel today, my love?" He softly asked the same question he asked everyday.

"... A little bit tired..." you hoarsely whispered, barely able to look up at him.

You heard him sigh in desperation. You didn't want to feel like this either. You knew you were a burden to Dio, but Dio brought this burden to yourself too. It was a vicious circle of blaming each other.

"Dio... Please kill me already... I can't take this anymore..."

The man flinched at your attrocious words. Kill you? The love of his life? That wasn't even an option. He swore to find a way to make you accept your newfound lifestyle, even if it took centuries.

"In no way in hell am I killing you Y/N. You know this."

"Dio..." you weakly said "I can't bring myself to do it... I am human..." your breathing was more and more laboured as you spoke and Dio noticed.

He sat at the edge of the bed and pushed your shoulders slightly to make you lie down on your back and look at him.

"Y/N, weither you want it or not, you are not human anymore. You are way more than that. We are better than that. We are another form of life, way stronger than humans."

You closed your eyes. He was right, and you believed him, but you still felt your humanity deep inside you, blocking you.

He took your hand in his and pulled the covers off of your body.

"Get up, I brought you someone else today."

You weren't confident at all, you knew you wouldn't be able to do it either today, but you felt bad that Dio tried so hard to help you, so you didn't fight and got up, but not without difficulty as your lover helped you up.

He put his arm around your shoulders in support and slowly lead you to another room where a young woman was waiting, kneeled down next to Vanilla Ice.

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