Ceasar - Bath

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Had to change Y/N's gender last minute. How can y'all even trust me?

This is Male reader. Enjoy your gay.


After a long and hard day of Hamon training with Lisa Lisa, Joseph and Ceasar finally got to have some well deserved time for themselves and rest at the end of the day. Poor Joseph was already knocked out in his bedroom, and Ceasar went to take a warm bath.

Suzie Q had asked you to go get him some towels since she couldn't remember if she put some in his bathroom already or not. You kindly accepted and so, you were on your way to give the blond fighter some clean towels.

You walked the long corridors and approached the lit bathroom where Ceasar most definitely dwelled in. You knew he wouldn't really mind if you disturbed him since you two were close and he had an unhidden soft spot for you.

You figured you would make it quick anyways and go back to your own business as soon as you gave him the towels. You finally got to the door and knocked softly.

"Ceasar? It's me, I came to bring you some towels. Can I come in?" You called out to him, but no response. Strange. "Ceasar...?" You insisted, but still nothing.

You looked around you, subconsciously looking for any kind of help, but eventually decided to enter the bathroom. You weren't an intrusive person, but you couldn't deny the fact that the man's silence had started to worry you.

Maybe he wasn't even there in the first place, but maybe something had happened to him. And you were not taking the risk of ignoring it.

"I-...I'm coming in!" You hesistantly called and carefully opened the door, staring at the floor the entire time to make sure you wouldn't witness anything that would fluster the both of you.

"Hi Ceasar, I'm just gonna put them over here don't mind me. Don't worry I'm not looking." You spoke respectfully, a trait that was well-known of you, as you entered the room.

You were greeted by deafening silence yet again and this struck you as odd. You carefully looked up, unsure of what to expect, only to find the man sitting in his bath, his head hung low. Completely asleep.

Your eyes widened at the sight. The man must have been so tired and overworked. "Poor Ceasar..." you whispered to yourself in sad empathy.

At first you didn't know what to do. Should you wake him up? Wouldn't that be weird if he saw you there? Inside his bathroom, as he was using it?
But then you got worried that it could be dangerous or that he might get sick if you just left him like that.

You closed the door behind you and put the towels on the counter. You approached him carefully and he didn't even stir at your presence, no reaction. He was very fast asleep. You slowly crouched by the tub and looked up at his resting face.

He looked so peaceful, so calm, it was so different than usual. He wasn't wearing his head bandana or his hair accessories, which oddly enough, was actually what made him really look naked, more than his nude chest.

His breathing was steady, a water drop glided along the wet skin of his neck and down onto his collarbone. Even asleep he looked like the beautiful sculpture of a greek god.

You couldn't help but just admire him, how stunning he was. You didn't know when you'd ever have the occasion to have a long close up look at him like this again.

You smiled to yourself and bit your lip. He looked so insanely cute when he slept, you had to fight the burning urge to kiss him. Before you could do anything reckless or straight up inappropriate to him, you decided to wake him up.

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