Joseph - Accent

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For this one shot, Y/N is not american (and preferably not british either) I'm sorry for my brits and 'mericans out there, but hey, you get to be another nationality of your choice for today yaayy! Please enjoy~


New York City. What a beautiful yet cruel city to live in. Because of your own country's situation, your parents decided to send you to the United States of America to settle in more safely, saying they'll join you later eventually whenever they can.

Even if you were worried for your family and scared to be alone, you understood and tried your best to blend in and start a new life in America.

Luckily for you, you managed to find a little job and an appartment by yourself. You were a pretty charming person by nature and managed to become a barista at a local café in the city.

One day, the coffee shop was pretty calm and empty, so you took it upon yourself to take a break and make yourself a little beverage. Around the same time, a good looking, tall man with turquoise eyes barged in with a cheeky grin on his face. You greeted him with a huge smile, contaminated by his own.

"Hi there! Give me the strongest, blackest caffeinated-est coffee you can!" He said leaning on the counter. What a weird fellow.

"Right away, sir!" you said with a little chuckle and got to work. He was fun right off the bat.

"What are you laughing at? Do I have a funny face or something?" he said still grinning.

"Your smile is catching like the plague. Also, you do have a funny face." you laughed cutely.

"Whaaa- Hey! It was nice until that last piece of comment!" he tried to sound offended, but he secretely thought you were pretty endearing.

"Haha I'm just teasing~ you're very handsome." you handed him his coffee.

"Heh! I know, I hear that a lot." he cockily said as he took a seat at the counter after paying.
You didn't have many customers, so you stayed with him, continuing your rather pleasing conversation.

"Huh, humble I see." you responded while giving him some sugar cubes. "Also, I didn't catch your name big guy."

Joseph blushed a bit at the nickname but played it cool.

"I'm Joseph Joestar, but you can call me, Worldwide Handsome or Mr. Hot Bod!" he added almost with stars sparkling in his smug eyes.

"Ehh, I'll just call you Jojo then!" you said amused, leaning over the counter with your chin resting on your hands.

"Oh nooooo!!! She's a tease!!" he dramatically screamed and you bursted into a fit of laughter that he found profusely charming.

Sometime passed and Joseph finished his coffee. He wanted to stay longer with you, but the day was advancing, and soon customers would swarm the place. As you took his cup away you called him out.

"By the way Jojo..." he looked at you in anticipation, "Where are you from? Your accent is very very sweet~"

Joseph's heart skipped a beat at your tone. How could someone be this cute and sexy at the same time? And without even trying!

'It's your voice that's sweet!' He screamed in his head, but answered as naturally as he could.

"I'm from here, but I was raised by my grandmother who's british, so I guess I took her accent." he responded honestly.

Your eyes softened on him. "Aw that's cute! Tell your grandma she did an amazing job!"

Joseph smiled. Erina was indeed the best. He wanted to ask you where you got your own accent but speaking of his grandmother reminded him of something important.

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