Holly - Mother's embrace

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Not a Milf hunter you guys I swear! This was inspired by a memory I made with my own precious mother.
Non rom.



It was very early in the morning and you and Holly went to the city because she needed to take care of some administrative documents.

The place was usually so crowded you had to go as early as 6 A.M to be there before the opening and save yourselves many hours of waiting in line. It barely was the beginning of spring and the early mornings were still ice cold at this time of the year. Dawn was barely breaking when you arrived at the place.

"Thank you for accompagnying me Y/N-chan, this is very sweet of you~" Holly gratefully said to you as you were waiting in line alongside her outside the still closed building.

"Of course Holly, it's my pleasure." you replied with a smile that she reciprocated.

Even if you had to wake up very early and travel far into the city on an icy day, you didn't mind at all because you were with Holly.

Holly Joestar Kujo was like a mother to you. Your own mother died when you were only 4 years old and at the time, your father was already a neighbor of the Kujo family.

And so Holly decided to babysit you from time to time when your father was too busy with work. From then on, Holly basically raised you as her own daughter.

Of course, you were very close to your father, and he didn't want to burden Holly everyday with the task of taking care of you, but she still was the only mother figure you had in your life and the woman was more than happy to spend some time with the sweet little girl next door, and she loved to see you grow alongside her child.

Every occasion you had to spend time with her and her son, you took. Sometimes you felt like Jotaro was annoyed with your presence, but seeing his kind gestures and protective manners towards you, you knew that he in fact quite liked you. His unusual sweetness betraying him always made you and Holly laugh and you both took great pleasure teasing him.

This morning of endless waiting started to feel very long and tiring to you and you sunk into your coat, huffing and puffing because of the unforgiving cold.

"Are you cold Y/N-chan?" Holly turned to you in slight worry.

You reassured her and told her you were fine with an obvious shaky voice, but she noticed your extremely flushed hands and took them in her own much warmer ones. She then held them tightly and put them inside her coat pockets which were just toasty.

"Here! Isn't it better like this?" She flashed a beautiful dimpled smile at you and you blushed at the sweet gesture.

"Th-thank you..." You looked down, your gaze softening as you felt all fuzzy inside.

You started to feel your hands warm up as Holly's thumbs rubbed soothing circles on your hands. You yawned and laid your head on her shoulder tiredly and she chuckled at how cute you were.

You both stayed like this until the building opened and the line advanced, the crowd relieved from finally escaping the cold.

Many hours passed and you were finally coming back in town. Holly asked if you wanted to stay and have some hot tea.

You of course couldn't deny the offer, as you wanted to greet Jotaro as well. Upon coming home you were welcomed by the tall edgy male who questioned where you two went with an almost scolding tone.

"I asked Y/N-chan to come with me since you didn't want to! Now come give mama a good morning kiss! Mwah mwah mwah~"

Holly reached up to wrap her arms around her son's neck and peppered him in kisses. Jotaro looked pissed as hell but still let her kiss his cheek and you couldn't help but smile at the usual commotion.

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