Jotaro - Sister

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Thank you so much for all the supportive and kind messages on my last note. I'm doing all better now, thankfully. It's just bad that I don't know how to react or say no in those situations.

Very sad to see that it is fairly common and that it happened to some of you as well. Don't hesitate to talk it out.

He's less a friend and more a colleague I got close to, for clarification. Claimed he 'loved to touch me'. He was always handsy, but this time was especially bad, I've never been touched in those places before. Yikes, right?

But now I'm better can write back again!

Your every word warmed my heart and I'll always be grateful for having such caring readers. I'll do my absolute best to provide you with stories that will make you feel as loved as you make me feel.



"Papa, since you're here, I have to show you Jotaro and Y/N's old pictures~" Holly cheered excitedly while dragging her father to the living room.

"Oohhh can't wait!" Joseph joined, enthusiastic to see some hidden treasures of his grandchildren.

The commotion of Holly and Joseph going through photo albums caught you and Jotaro's attention as you both walked past the living room.

"Look at this one, Papa! Their first time going to the beach together! Y/N was scared and Jotaro brought her a starfish!" Holly squealed and you furrowed your eyebrows.

"Uh, mom what are you doing...?" You carefully asked.

"Oh! I'm showing your baby pictures to your grandfather!"

You glanced at Jotaro next to you who had a pearl of sweat gliding down his forehead. Oh no...

"Oohh ohhh!!! This one is my favourite! Jotaro and Y/N taking a bath together~" You both flinched.

"Ooohhhh!!!! OH MY GOOODD!!! How cuuuteee~" Joseph cupped his face in his hands and was almost dying at the cuteness before him.

"You know! Y/N would always tell me this, 'When I grow up I want to marry Jotaro onii-chan!' " You blushed madly and gasped at the embarrassing memory.

"MOOOM!!!! WHAT THE HELL?! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN REMEMBER THAT???" Joseph burst into a fit of laughter while your mother had a sheepish look on her face.

"Yare yare daze..." Jotaro walked away with his hat resting low on his head, effectively covering his reddening face.

You were Jotaro's younger sister. Despite your age difference being negligible, your relationship was very complex. It changed and switched a lot throughout the years.

As children you used to be really close, nothing could separate you. You would share and do everything together, from toys, to beds and everything in between.You both took care of each other in your own way.

But as the years passed, Jotaro grew colder and more distant, which was to be expected from a male teenager who had been overwhelmed by feminine compagny, whereas you became calmer, more patient and less cheerful than before, trying to learn to not depend on your brother's presence as you used to in the past.

Despite your differences, you two still kept that unconditionnal kindness that seemed to run in the family.

Currently, you both lived your lives on your own ways. You couldn't really say you were close, or at least, not as much as before. You didn't think your relationship could progress any further from there, at least, not until a certain day.

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