Dio - Low Iron

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You felt cold. You were currently slipping in and out of consciousness. You could only feel what seemed to be the cold hard floor underneath you. You became fully conscious when you heard a soft, low whisper close to your ear.


You struggled to open your heavy lids, but when you did, your vision was clouded. The room you were in was dark, barely lit by the dim light of the fireplace on the far side of the room. You could barely make out the figure that was kneeling by you.

You couldn't move immediately. You tried, but could only twitch your fingers, your body felt sore, probably from laying on the floor too long. You tried your best to lift your head and get a better look at the mysterious man in front of you.

"You're finally awake." he said in a deep warm voice. It was actually pleasant to hear.

You knew you should have been scared, but at the moment, you couldn't feel anything alarming emanating from this man. Also, you were still pretty knocked out and not quite thinking straight.

You opened your dry mouth to speak, but could only let out a hoarse whisper. "Where am I...?"

The blonde man chuckled, almost darkly. "You are in my humble abode, dear. Let me introduce myself, my name is Dio Brando."

Your eyes widened as you finally realized the situation. You have been abducted. This was certainly not your home, and this man was most definitely a stranger. But this same man, Dio, spoke in such a tender voice, it strangely put you at ease. You sighed, repeating his name tiredly.

"Dio... What a beautiful name..." The blonde's expression shifted to surprise at your words.

Weren't you scared? Why weren't you crying and begging for mercy like everyone else? Instead you were appreciating his name? Where you out of your mind? What a weird and interesting woman you were. Your voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"Did you... Take me here?" you asked still looking at him. As your vision adjusted to the luminosity and cleared up, you finally made out his features.

He was actually quite charming and handsome. As much as you didn't want to glorify a kidnapper, you couldn't help but find his chiseled face, golden locks, white skin and sharp eyes very appealing. With a better look, you noticed his fangs and the crimson glint in his eyes.

Dio stood up, towering over you, and composed himself back, then answered frankly. "I did. I need human sacrifices for me and my underlings."

He turned his back to you, ready to go towards his destined velvet armchair. "You were an easy target too, you barely showed any resistance, I have to thank you for that." He finished, smirking.

You listened to him carefully and connected the dots. If your assumptions were right, you'd have to break it down to him, the reasons you didn't struggle when he took you, and still weren't struggling right now.

"...are you a vampire?" you asked as you tried to sit up weakly, pushing yourself off the floor, feeling like you were the heaviest thing in the world.

You could hear snickers from the glowing red-eyed shadows of his servants hidden in the corners and ceiling of the room.

"Smart girl, you catch on quick." he glanced at you eerily over his shoulder. His expression fell when he saw you collapsing back down after you managed to sit up. What the hell? Were you injured? Was his perfect little prey somehow damaged?

"What's the matter? I made sure not to hurt you when I brought you here. What's going on?" he came back to kneel next to you, almost annoyed that his meal was flawed. He liked his blood bags fresh and healthy.

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