Mista - Laundry

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It's the 4th of April. 4/4. It's Mista day.

This is not proof-read and a bit rushed. I didn't sleep for this so I apologize for the potential lack of quality.



You had taken it upon yourself ever since you joined Passione that you'd take care of chores as much as you could since the gang, children as they were, could be quite messy.

You didn't want someone like Bruno to take responsibility of something as trivial as chores when he was already so busy.

He, as well as the boys were grateful of your helpfulness, and even though nobody asked you, you still whole heartedly put yourself at work for everyone. You really loved the gang like your own family so it was only natural for you.

You really were like the mom friend of the group, which was well appreciated by your Capo, who could only understand your position.

"Oh my God Y/N! What did you do to my shirt?! It smells so good!" Narancia squealed one day when he found you in one of the hallways.

"Oh, nothing special," You chuckled. "I guess it's just the detergent." You stated humbly while playing with the straps on his top. "How do you like it?"

"It's soooo soft and way more comfy than before!" He felt the fabric on his chest as if to emphasize his words. "Thank you so muuuch, I love you!"

"Huh? Giorno what happened?" You grabbed the blonde's arm and lifted it to inspect the material of his shirt that was tearing up at the seams. "Your sleeve is all torn up."

He glanced at it and widened his eyes in surprise. Aw, too bad, he really liked that shirt and now it was ruined.

"Hm? Oh.. I guess it was a particularly rough fight. Damn it..."

You could hear the defeated undertone in his voice and you gently smiled at him. "It's okay, give it to me, I'll sew it up for you."

"Really?" He blinked at you before sighing lightly. "Thank you, Y/N. Pardon me for the trouble..."

"Don't be sorry Giogio, it's fine! We wouldn't want to have such pretty clothes in bad conditions, now, would we?"

Thankful towards you, he gently grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it before walking away to change clothes.

Those were the kind of occurences that happened ever since you joined. Your addition to the team made their daily life easier and much more pleasant.

It also didn't help that you were so selfless and kind to all of them that even Abbachio quickly warmed up to you, seeing how similar you were to Bucciarati.

As much as the boys were nagged here and there to actually help out and not let the same person do chores everyday, you were fine with volunteering when you weren't on a mission and had free time.

You were happy to help your boys out and never really had any problems with that. Not until one particular day.

You were finally putting away the laundry that had been drying in the sun all day. You hummed a little song as you lifted the basket and walked inside, starting to sort each member's clothes out and fold every piece carefully, as you always did.

Over time, you learnt to recognize each member's more or less iconic clothes and knew them by heart, whether it was Abbachio's black everything, Narancia's precious collection of Band T-shirts or Giorno's silken and golden ensembles.

As Mista was passing by the living room to get food for the Sex Pistols, he saw you picking out a familiar pair of briefs. He gasped, blushing instantly and ran towards you, snatching the piece away from your hands.

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