Kakyoin - Visiting

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Look at that picture and imagine waking up to see him next to you on the bed lol


Your friend Kakyoin Noriaki has been absent from school for 2 days now and you started to get worried.

You've taken it upon yourself to collect all the homework and write the lessons for him as you knew he was a top student, and decided you'd pay him a visit.

As you walked towards his house you made sure one last time that you had everything ready for him. You nervously knocked on his door, only to be greeted a few moments later by a very beautiful woman.

"Hello, who might you be?" The lady said, her red curls flowing gracefully along her shoulders.

Getting out of your daze, you stuttered, and bowed. "A-ah, yes! Hello, My name is L/N Y/N, I'm your son's classmate, I came to give him his homework and check up on him..."

You blushed a bit in embarassement and nervousness. It felt so weird to meet his parents like that.

"Oh my! What a nice young lady! Thank you for your kind gesture, please come inside." She opened the door wide for you and you thanked her.

"Sorry for intruding..." You muttered as you removed your shoes and a rather familiar deep voice suddenly replied.

"Not at all. You are more than welcomed here, miss. It's nice to see that Noriaki has made such nice friends."

You turned towards the voice and saw a tall charming man walking towards you. He had the same chiseled features and kind eyes as Kakyoin. You greeted him politely as well and his mother commented right after.

"And cute ones too~" She giggled and you blushed at the compliment. "You know, Noriaki... He has always been very shy. We were always scared that he wouldn't make friends." Your eyes softened on them and his father continued.

"Please, take good care of him. He may seem cold, but he just has solid values, he is a kind person."

"O-of course! I'll do everything I can for him! He's very important to me..." You trailed off shyly and the parents shared a knowing look before smiling and the father patted your back.

"Okay, come on now, go join him, he'll be very happy to see you. It's the second door to the right, upstairs."

"Thank you so much! See you later!" You bowed to them and ran up the stairs as the two adults watched you leave.

"I like her."

"How come he never spoke of her? They should get married already!"

"Shhh! Not so fast, honey. Let's tease him a little bit over dinner some times." They snickered to themselves like giddy children.

"...Kakyoin?" You called out as you arrived to his door and knocked softly.

No response. You insisted one more time, but were greeted by silence again. You carefully opened the door and looked around, only to find your friend asleep on his bed.

Your eyes widened a bit as you didn't know what to do. You didn't want to disturb him or wake him up. Should you give the homework to his parents and go? But at the same time you didn't want to bother his nice parents any further.

You decided to stay and closed the door behind you. You looked around his room with curiosity. It was fairly tidy, it was mostly what you would expect to see from the bedroom of a boy like him.

You put your bag down and dragged his desk chair next to his bed and sat down. You looked at him as he was snoring softly, probably struggling to breathe through his nose.

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