Short Story Dump #2 + 100k Special

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There is my little celebration for 100k at the end of the short story dump, and I also did one for 100 followers on tumblr (I'm pretty active there!). Thank you so much again my gangsters!


Today's Story Dump features Dio, Tiziano&Squalo, Kakyoin, Bucciarati, & Jotaro.


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A story where, on a trip to Egypt, you make a fortuitious meeting.


His aura was so alluring you lost yourself in his evil hold.

You weren't yourself anymore, as you advanced soullessly towards him, like a mindless puppet being controlled by skilled fingers.

It was like your reason, your conscience, your mind, your sentience, anything rational had completely slipped out of you.

You stared at Him, at his towering, majestic form in the darkness with clouded eyes and walked to his radiating light in a trance. Like the sweetest of drugs had been injected in you, taking effect slowly, deep inside your core.

He was so beautiful.

"Yes... Come to me Y/N..."

You mindlessly smiled at his soothing voice, so deep, so soft, like a caress teasing your entire being. Oh how you wanted to hear it again.

You were so happy. He made you so happy. You were going to join him, and it was going to be amazing.

"Hahaha... I'm going to be with Dio... Hahaa..." You giggled breathlessly in a slurred state, love-drunk and almost crazed at the sole idea of being by his side.

You shakily brought your arms out to him, desperate to reach, like a lost child coming to their awaiting father.

He was here, so close to you. Yes, so close. The closer he became, the harder your heart pounded in your chest, excitement rising. God, you couldn't believe it, you were so happy. You would be with him, if you only advanced just a little more, stretched your arms a little bit more...

He did the same and opened his large arms wide for you as you were only a few steps away from him, inviting you into his alluring possession.

You panted with earnest and sped up in your tracks, getting awfully impatient to find him. And you finally, finally did, as you wrapped your arms around his lean waist, almost diving into him.

You leaned your head on his chest and he reciprocated the embrace with a touch full of care.

God, it felt amazing. He smelled so good, so comforting, you felt so safe, he was so gentle, so soft, tears prickled in your eyes and you tightened your weak hold onto him, trying to get as close to his body as you physically were allowed to.

His strong arms, protectively snaked around you, were so comforting you didn't ever want to let go.  His hands, realistically ice cold, felt so sweet and delicious as they laid tentalizingly on your back, one hand gliding ever-so-slightly over your shoulder, running his long nails just at the right pressure to make your skin crawl so delightfully.

You prayed for this moment to last forever. You sighed deeply in satisfaction and sheer content, a smile gracing your face.

His body was radiating with illusive warmth and fake love, but you were in bliss, completely forgetting anything reasonable and forgetting your life before this very moment.

What were you even doing? Where were you heading in the streets of Cairo, at this hour of the night? Who were you again? What time was it? It didn't matter anymore.

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