Kakyoin - Long Journey

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Your journey has been long and strewn with obstacles, and you were all in the car, hours away from your next destination.

You were sat in the back of the car between Jotaro and Kakyoin, dozing off. Your head was lolling from left to right, you tried your hardest not to fall asleep and bother the guys next to you, but were miserably failing as the Sandman was coming hard at you.

Kakyoin noticed this and put his arm around your form, pulling you towards him so you would lean on him and finally go to sleep.

You were too tired to say anything or react, so you just put your head on his shoulder and subconsciously clutched his uniform with your hand.
He chuckled softly at how cute you acted. He didn't mind at all and let you rest like this until they found somewhere to stop by.

Some time passed and Kakyoin was still staring at the repetitive scenery through the window when he felt your grip on his chest loosen, more and more, slowly.
He didn't think much of it at first, but then he felt your hand limp down to his lap.

It was no big deal, but the way you hand slowly slid down his chest almost made it feel like you did it on purpose. For that, he didn't mind too much even if it would be odd, that actually wasn't the worst part.

The worst part was that your hand was now laid in the most inappropriate place in his lap, resting right over his crotch.

Confused, he leaned over slightly to glance at your face, wondering if you were awake and was pulling a prank on him or something.
But when he saw your peaceful face, closed eyes, and parted lips that let out quiet snores, he knew that you were completely unaware of the situation.

He tried to tell himself that it wasn't something to fret about, that you didn't do it to tease him or anything, it was completely innocent on your part. You were fast asleep, after all.

Nothing to get excited or nervous about right? He tried to shrug it off and look back outside the window.

But for some reason, the male just couldn't shake the feeling off. He couldn't ignore the feeling of your small hand touching him there. The small bit of pressure resting between his legs.

Why was he thinking about that now? He always knew to shake off these kind of thoughts out of his mind but now, his attention was only brought to this. Why was that? He asked himself.

Maybe it was because there wasn't anything to do in a car during a trip. Maybe his mind was bored and latched onto every single ounce of excitement it could get.

Also, it wasn't like your hand limped on it's back, no. It would be too easy. He could actually feel your curled fingers subtly over him and this single detail drove him nuts.

His hormones were racing in his veins. The red head started sweating, the temperature rose exponentially inside him. He tried to squirm a little bit in his seat to maybe fix the problem, but of course, it was useless.

Telling himself to ignore it just made him think about it even more. The more he thought about it, the more details he felt it in and his mind raced with unholly thoughts. Thoughts that he wouldn't even dare have alone at night.

'Stop thinking, just look at the trees, yeah, the trees... Focus on the trees...'

He tried to force new thoughts in his head but his attention was always distracted back to you. He tried to focus on literally anything he could. His eyes traveled from the scenery to the inside of the car, to Polnareff, then to Jotaro next to him, who was staring at nothing.

The taller male felt eyes on him and glanced back at the red head who darted his eyes away as if nothing was happening.
But Jojo wasn't dumb and noticed his friend looked very nervous and stressed for some reason. But for the time, he shrugged it off and looked somewhere else.

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