Ceasar - Different Joestar

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Life sure was hustly as a Joestar.

You were Joseph's sister. You both were raised by your grandmother Erina Pendleton Joestar.
Joseph and you got along very well, even with your differing personalities.

You both loved to joke around and play, but you were much calmer, more careful, and thoughtful than the guy. On the other hand, he was more spontaneous, cunning and bolder than you.

You two were hamon users and this ability brought trouble to you as you got implied with the vampire Straizo and the Pillar man Santana. Things were about to go even further down, but you didn't know that.

You siblings were sent to Italy to meet the Zeppeli descendant, Ceasar.

At first Joseph wanted you to stay back in the U.S as he obviously didn't want to put you in even more danger, but eventually Speedwagon convinced him to let you accompany them.
After all, you could fend for yourself and Joseph definitely needed some of his sister's brain as his own often betrayed him.

You were currently walking the sunny streets of Italy, arms linked with the good old Speedwagon.

Speedwagon was a nice gentleman who treated you and Joseph like his own children. Even if Joseph could be blunt and rowdy sometimes, you showed love to the man for both you and your brother. And Speedwagon noticed that.
You felt nothing but sheer gratitude and respect towards the old man.

You helped him walk to the plaza and decided to bring him to a bench to rest.

"Please sit down Mr. Speedwagon. I'll search for Ceasar, just tell me what he looks like."

"You are too nice, Y/N, I wish Joseph was a bit more like you." He sat down and you took his cane and put it aside. "But it's okay, your brother should be here any moment now."

Unbeknownst to you, said blonde man was looking at you both from the fountain that happened to be just next to the bench where you two were.
He watched you as you cared for the old gentleman that he instantly recognized.

He couldn't help but think how beautiful you were, shaken by how exotic your hair and eyes looked, how smooth your features were, and how graceful your curves appeared.

His expression softened when he saw you take a water bottle out of your purse, opened it and gave it to Speedwagon. How considerate, it was indeed a warm day and the Italian sun was strong in the afternoon.

At the moment, Ceasar couldn't look at any other woman than you. It was like you put him under a spell, this never happened to him before.
Something about you charmed him. It was not just your looks, it was something else. He was intrigued and had to figure it out.

You completely made him forget about that one woman he was currently courting.

"Ceasar? What's the matter?" the girl asked, almost hurt that his attention was stolen from her.

The blond nicely told her a cliché romantic line to make her go back to her love-struck state and she completely fell for it as she squealed, hearts in her eyes.

Not shaking you from his thoughts, he decided that he would check up on you, but when he glanced your way, you were already gone. Leaving Speedwagon who was soon talking to a tall brown haired male.

Said male then went up to sit at the fountain, and Ceasar resumed on his flirting session, guessing that man was the so called 'Joestar' Speedwagon told him about.

In circumstances, Joseph and Ceasar met, and were not very happy about one another. Turns out they fought while you were at the opposite side of the plaza, looking for the Italian man.

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