Diavolo - Empty

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Pro tip: go on youtube. Search "creepy ambiance music". Click on "NECROMANCY" by Horror Music World.

You are now in anxiety mode. Survive.

TW: Mentions of suicide, self harm and you know... Toxic relationships. It's Yandere, you know what to expect.


"I have to go get some food and water, okay? I'll be gone for about an hour." He leaned down and pressed his lips against your forehead in a gentle kiss. "I'll hurry, so behave."

You didn't say anything and watched him as he hesitated to move his gaze away from you. He slowly turned around and opened the door, taking his sweet time.

'Just leave already.'

You weren't at peace even when he closed the door, locking every single one of the seven locks he installed on the door. A tight security system to prevent you from fleeing.

The apartment was so dead silent you could hear his footsteps from outside hitting the stairs as he walked down.

So silent. Deafening. So lonely. Even the sheer sounds of your breathing and heartbeat were loud and infuriating to you.

God, so damn infuriating.

You clenched your fists, barely feeling anything from it, rage and anxiety building inside you.

'No detail escaped him, huh?', You thought to yourself. He even cut your nails so short, you couldn't inflict the slightest damage from trying to dig them into your skin.

What a smart man.

What a smart bastard.

Everything was so miserable. You stood in the middle of the living room, staring daggers, not even sharp ones, into the void. You rathered not look at anything, for the sake of your own sanity.

Anything in this place could trigger a mental breakdown from you. Who knew what you could do if your eyes fell on those picture frames of you and him? Or those unwithering flowers on the table? Or even just the books he loved so much resting on the shelves?

Everything here reminded you of him. Of what he did to you. How he had stripped you of your freedom, your dignity...

Your will to live.

Yes. Today you would take your freedom back. Today, you would spread your wings and fly. Away from him. Away from this.

The thought itself brought a smile to yourself. Oh you couldn't wait. You chuckled a, what in other circumstances, would be a cute bubbly laugh, but here, seemed more crazed and unnerved than anything.

Oh you couldn't wait to end this.

Your head twitched towards the kitchen, hope sparkling weakly again inside you. Gone for an hour? That should be enough.

You walked towards the kitchen and looked around. Knives, knives... Where did he keep the knives? It's not like you knew the kitchen all that much, he barely let you roam the house much.

The counter and cupboards were all empty. Everything was empty. Even the fridge contained so little, you even wondered how the hell did he even manage to cook meals for the two of you. Did he even cook for the two of you? Where did the food come from? Did he send one of his numerous pawns or that weird Doppio guy do that dirty work as well?

You dug up frantically through every drawer, and cabinet, hell you even checked inside the oven!


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