Jonathan - Trust

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Have you seen the new Blood Lust palette from Jeffree Star? Tell me that shit doesn't scream 'Abbachio' lmao


Your parents often told you to be careful with strangers. To not give your trust too easily. You knew that when you were alone in the streets, even in broad daylight, anything could happen. Some people were shameless, some people were ill-willed.

Today you understood what it meant when you encountered these men.

You were strolling peacefully in the streets of London and before you knew it, you diverted to a less busy area and heard voices behind you.

"Hey missy!" You turned around and saw two tall men approaching you. You didn't think much of it at first until they started grinning evilly at you.

"My, my, what is it? Why do you look so scared all of a sudden, kitten?" One of them sneered and you stared at the two.

What was happening? You thought these kind of things only happened in books.

"Now, come with us, we'll make you feel real good~" the tallest of the two taunted.

'No thanks...' you thought to yourself, no mustering the courage to say it out loud.

"Or make you feel bad if that's your thing~" They both laughed.

'I ALREADY FEEL BAD GET AWAY FROM ME!' you screamed inside your head, glances shifting everywhere in hope to maybe find someone that could help you.

Since no one seemed to notice your discomfort, you tried to bluff your way out of this situation. Your eyes laid on a tall, nice looking boy that seemed around your age, passing by right behind the two disgusting guys.

'Great!' you thought. 'This is my chance! Please God let him be of help'.

Your eyes lit up as you called for him. "Big brother!" you ran towards the dark haired stranger who had a surprised look on his face.

His eyes widened even more as you brought yourself to his chest and he didn't know what to do. Before he could even ask you who you were you looked at his blue eyes with a pleading look, silently calling for help.

He stared at you, then at the two guys who seemed to be eating you out with their gaze and he understood immediately. This was a call of duty for the gentleman that he was.

He wrapped his arms around your small form and squeezed you tight. "Sorry I made you wait. Let's go home." You nodded and walked beside him while intertwining your arms together.

He slightly turned his head around and glared darkly at the two men who clicked their tongues and went back on their funny business.
When they were finally out of sight, you separated from the male and sighed deeply in relief.

"Aaah! Thank you so much! I'm so sorry to have implied you in my problems. You really saved me!" You smiled sheepishly and he chuckled.

"No it's fine! You must have been so scared, are you alright? They didn't do anything to you, did they?" He checked on you but you shook you head in response.

"No, Thank God you were here. You handled the situation perfectly. How can I thank you?" You stopped in your tracks and he stopped next to you, a soft smile gracing his lips.

"No need to thank me. It was my duty as a gentleman. Besides, seeing your smile is enough satisfaction for me."

You blushed at his charming words and shyly said "By the way, my name is Y/N L/N. I wish we met in better circumstances, mister...?"

"Jonathan Joestar. But call me Jojo."

"Jojo," you repeated softly, "How sweet!"

Jonathan blushed at your cute manners and how you voice was laced with purity when you pronounced his name. He shook those thoughts out of his head as he added.

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