Dio - Eternity

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You guys do realize that us authors, can see all the reading lists you add our books to?

Just so you know that I'm aware when you add my book to 'Meh. Not sure if I'll read', 'Good shit' and my all time favourite, 'Porn' 😂.


You stood at the entrance of a particular alley in the dead of night. The same alley you always stood at when you waited for clients.

The night was cold and the icy air hit your lungs painfully, freezing you from the inside. Your hands were numb and flushed red as you rubbed them together, trying to get some desperate amount of heat to warm them up.

Tonight, you were waiting for him. You've known him for years, way before he moved from the city to live with the Joestar family. But he recently came back to you and started asking for your services.

"My apologies," You heard from behind you. "I made you wait out in the harsh cold." The man said, his voice deep and quiet he slowly approached you.

You turned around only to be met with the blonde man you were expecting. You sighed with relief upon seeing his face.

"Dio..." You breathed out with a smile, your breath visible in the night air. "It's fine, I didn't wait long."

You wanted to get straight down to business as you reached inside your pockets, but before you could even try, he leaned down and grabbed your hands and engulfed them in his much bigger ones.

You gasped slightly. His hands were surprisingly warm and almost burned against your frozen ones, but it felt nice.

"It has been quite awhile since last time, Y/N. Let's take our time tonight." He looked down at you and squeezed your hands a bit tighter, feeling them warm up by the minute.

"Don't you want your merchandise and get back? It's pretty late too... Or should I say early?" You chuckled and looked up at him as he gave off the ghost of a smile. "You should just take it and go home quick. You don't have to pay me tonight, since it's you."

"No I have the money. I just want to cherish my time with you." You quirked an eyebrow in surprise.

"Oh? That's new. I didn't remember Dio to be this affectionate." You teased a bit but softened your tone. "Why do you sound like you're going to die soon?"

"Don't be stupid." He spat, "You're closer to death than I'll ever be, look at what you do for a living."

You gasped dramatically, pretending offense. "Hey! Don't judge me, Mr. Attorney who buys drugs!"

He released your hands and glared at you as you giggled at his expression. You hit a sensitive spot.
You reached for your pockets again and took out a small pouch. You opened it to reveal a bundle of tablets to him.

"I don't know many people who would order this one, so I shouldn't be mistaken." He nodded and you secured the bag again and handed it to him.

"Thank you." He hid the product inside his coat and you looked away, worry evident in your eyes. "What's the matter, Y/N?"

"Dio... I don't usually ask my clients questions because it's really none of my business, but you're important to me..."

"Oh? Then ask away as you like, darling." He replied almost teasingly as he took in your soft trailing voice.

"Who are these for...?"

He paused for a second, his smug grin faltering from his face and his eyes cast in a strange shadow.

Dio could trust you with a lot of things, but he would never give away his own plan. Despite what you did for a living, you were a good person. If you knew the truth, you would for sure turn your back to him.

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