Jonathan - The Date

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I wrote this back in february, but I realized I wrote the same scene as my most recent Abdul fic 😂


You and Jonathan were currently out in the city together. Your older sibling asked you to bring a list of groceries back home.

You naturally asked your boyfriend to come with you, and of course, he happily accepted to tag along.

So you were both on a shopping date, goofing around mostly, and almost forgetting half of what you were supposed to bring back.

Everything became instantly more pleasant and fun when Jonathan was with you. Even the most boring or troublesome of tasks became colorful and memorable when he came.

Right now, you completed half of your list and it was still fairly early, which was quite impressive for you.

"Let's go to the market, then we'll take a well deserved break at a café, what do you think?" You proposed as you started to get a little bit tired and hungry from walking all day.

"Sure, Y/N, let's go!"

You both entered the market place that was bustling with people. Expected since it was a Saturday morning. But the more you walked, the busier it became.

It started to be hard to walk side by side and, short as you were, Jonathan was scared to lose you in the crowd.

"Y/N take my hand!" he offered his huge hand to you and you grabbed it for dear life.

His hand was warm and comforting over yours. You tried to stay as close to him as possible. When it started to get too difficult to stay entertwined with the boy, Jonathan pulled you in front of him and wrapped one arm around you from behind, locking you against his strong chest.

You blushed at the bold move, but relaxed against him and you both walked through the mass of people way more efficiently.

When you finally arrived at the merchant you were looking for, you picked up what you needed, paid and put everything in your basket with a satisfied grin on your face.

"Here, it must be heavy, let me carry it for you." Jonathan proposed, like the proper gentleman that he was.

"O-oh it's fine Jojo, don't worry!" You reassured the male, but he still took the basket from your hands regardless of your protests and the merchant couldn't help their giggle.

"What a nice gallant young man you found yourself there, miss. I wish you two the best~."

You blushed a deep red at the remark and Jonathan thanked them with a big smile as you both went on your way.

"So Y/N, what would you like to eat? I'm so hungry I could eat anything, so you can choose whatever you'd like."

"Hmmm... Do you want to see my uncle's bakery? He makes the best sandwiches in the whole city!" Jonathan couldn't help but chuckle at how cute you were when your eyes lit up.

He loved how you were such a big foodie sometimes. Small as you were, at least compared to him, you sure liked to eat a lot, especially baked goods. And so you lead him eagerly by the arm towards your uncle's awaiting bakery.

You introduced Jonathan to your uncle and the interactions between them were pretty wholesome, you thought.

"Don't you dare hurt my niece or I'll come for ya, got it big boy?!" Jonathan nodded frantically, sweating bullets. "Good! Would you like some cheese bread? They're fresh outta' the oven!" He grinned towards the male, completely changing his tone and Jonathan deadpanned as you giggled.

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