Doppio - Hair

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Gender neutral fic, you guys are lucky!


Doppio was sitting on the couch, restless and waiting for yet another call from his boss. The boy's form was hunched over as he buried his face in his hands.

He was too tired to care about anything right now, and his disheveled hair sticking out everywhere was one of them.

"Doppio...?" You called him and you sudden soft voice startled him as he perked up.

"Huh? Oh Y/N it's you..." He uttered and went back to staring mindlessly into the void.

Your expression was soft on your lover as you approached him on the couch. You would have loved to tell him to get some rest or have something to drink or eat, but you knew that he was expected to be ready to bolt out any second as soon as he received the call.

You put your hand on his shoulder and rubbed his back soothingly, an encouraging gesture telling him to stay strong. He smiled and looked at you through stray strands of pink hair covering his freckled face.

Your eyes travelled from him to the coffee table where his hair brush, comb and some hair ties were set messily.

"Doppio, why didn't you do you hair?"

"It was too frustrating, I gave up." He sheepishly said while rubbing the back of his neck.

You chuckled as you could only imagine the scene of him losing his patience after a few tries. Your cute Doppio could be quite feral sometimes, which you couldn't blame him for, the boy was so overworked.

"I'll be right back."

He followed you with his eyes with curiosity as you walked away, only to walk back a few moments later with a bottle of hair serum.

You squirted some product onto your hand and put the bottle onto the table. You then stood in front of him while warming up the serum in your palms. He looked up at you with wide, star-filled eyes.

"Y/N, you're going to do my hair?" He asked in anticipation, his voice hopeful.

"You don't mind?" He shook his head vigorously, giddy and excited. Oh, he loved when you played with his hair. "Okay, tell me if I'm hurting you."

He hummed in response and let you run your fingers through his pink locks, caressing strands after strands and applying the light oil onto his slightly matted hair.

"Ooh that smells so good!" He squealed in delight as the sugary scent filled his nose. Neat! He was going to smell so sweet for this mission.

"Right? I think it's a mix of Argan, Coconut and Shea. Your hair is gonna be so shiny and nourished~"

He gasped in happiness. If you of all people gave him hair advice, he could only listen. Your hair was so pretty and soft, he felt almost privileged to be groomed by you. With these thoughts in mind, he subconsciously started playing with a piece of your own hair, relishing in the texture before letting go.

He slumped his shoulders and relaxed when you started massaging his scalp, his eyes fluttering shut against his will. The rare languorous feeling was absolutely heavenly to him and your delicious skilled fingers playing with his sensitive scalp sent tingles coursing through his entire body.

He let out a heavy sigh and leaned his head against your chest. He could hear the rumble of your voice as you chuckled lightly.

"Don't fall asleep on me Doppio." You teased and gently tilted his head back to work on the baby hairs that covered his forehead.

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